Oh no

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This is taking part before Beth and viv are together. Hope you enjoy.

Beth's POV

We were sat in the medical room right now. Me, viv and the very nice medic Erica.
"Alright my lovelies I have to go now. Give that cream another 15 minutes and then your welcome to leave." Erica smiles before walking out. Me and viv are sat across from each-over on identical medical beds.
"I hate waiting." I hear viv mumble under her breath very quietly.
"Everyone does." I say back. Viv looks at me. I'm not sure if she's surprised I heard her or surprised I'm even talking to her. Look I'm not a brat or anything but when you have a very very shy new girl you don't really want to talk to them alot and make them uncomfortable.
"How about me and you play a game." I suggest. She looks over at me and nods.
"Okay then how about I come sit on your bed and we play a game of truth or truth." I say and she nods. God she doesn't talk much does she. Well I knew that already. She doesn't talk to anyone. She's been here for a very long time and she hasn't made any friends. She doesn't sit with anyone at lunch or on the bus. I almost feel a bit bad for her. Well not almost. I do feel bad for her. I move and sit next to her so we are both on the same bed.
"Do you want to ask me first?" I say to her and she nods she looks really really cute right now. God what am I thinking she's your teammate Beth. But what if. No she's your teammate.
"Uhm.. why are you talking to me?" Is what she says. She's quite quiet to be honest.
"Because your my teammate and I've realised that I've never really talked to you properly." I say to her and she seems set with that answer.
"Okay.. how are you so good at football?" I want her to get used to me first. Before I start asking the juicy questions. Hopefully she gets comfortable soon. She laughs slightly. God I love her laugh.
"Practice." She says in her one word answer. I smirk at her. "Would you rather win the euros or the champions league?" She asks me.
"I've won the euros already and that was amazing but I really want to win a champions league so champions league. But if you asked me that question and I hadn't already won the euros I'd say euros." I say and she nods.
"Who is your celebrity crush?" I ask her. Time to get a bit juicier.
"Taylor Swift. Not for her looks just for her music." She says and I laugh. She starting to warm up to me a bit now.
"Since you asked me that. Whose your normal crush?" Oh god. Do I tell her the truth or lie. What if she feels the same way. No I can't lie to her. But what if she doesn't like me back.
".....you." I say and she looks at me. I don't say anything. I burst into tears. I run out the room. I go straight to Jen and Stephs room. I knock on the door quickly. Jen opens it looking worried.
"Beth's what's going on?" She asks. I don't reply I just keep crying. Jen hugs me and pulls me into her room. Steph was sat on the bed on her computer but when she sees me she immediately gets up and hugs me.
"What's wrong darling?" She asks me. I don't respond. They sit me down on one of the identical double beds.
"We can't help you if we don't know what's wrong Beth." Jen says. And I shake my head.
"Y-you can't help me anyway. I-I've messed up big time guys." I stutter out.
"Sweetie your gonna have to tell us what happened." Steph says softly. She's on her knees infront of me.
"R-remember when I said I liked someone. But I refused to say who.." I say wiping my tears.
"Yeah." Jen and Steph say at the same time.
"W-well we were playing truth or truth and I uh. Well look I. I just. For fuck sake I told them!" I say and they look at me with a sympathy full face.
"I take it they don't like you back?" Steph says. I shake my head.
"They do like you back?" Jen says and I shake my head again.
"Bethy we don't understand your gonna have to talk." Steph reasons.
"Before she could answer i-I uh ran out in tears." I say and they both look at me. "I'm scared I've messed everything up." I say to them as I start crying.
"Ima go get you a water." Jen says and the other two women nod.

Jens POV

As I'm walking down to canteen to get my best friend with lady trouble a glass of water I see a sight. It's Lotte and Katie trying to calm down another woman. I can't see the woman's face.
"JEN DO YOU KNOW HOW TO STOP A PANIC ATTACK!" Katie shouts worry staining her voice.
"No whose having a panic attack?" I say stepping closer.
"Vivianne." Lotte says and she tries to get viv calm.
"What happened?" I ask them.
"We don't know we just found her like this unable to breathe." Katie says fast as she tries to find something to help with a panic attack.
"How long has she been like this?" I ask them.
"We found her 15 minutes ago." They say.
"Okay well here on safari it says.... 1.get the patient to breathe." I say as I start reading out the steps. After another 20 minutes which felt like hours viv finally calmed down enough for me to go get a drink for Beth. She's still crying just not having a panic attack. As I get the drink and arrive at the room I see Beth and Steph watching a movie and Beth looks a lot calmer.
"Took you long enough." Steph jokes. I hand the drink to Beth.
"Sorry I had to help Katie and Lotte." I say.
"With what?" Beth asks as she takes a mouthful of water.
"That new girl you know the one who joined like 3 months ago but doesn't talk to anyone.." I start and I see Beth immediately all ears. "She was having a panic attack. No one knew what to do and nothing helped. We had to let her calm down herself. She couldn't breathe. It was actually horrible. When I left she was still crying her eyes out." I say and Beth immediately turns face over on the covers.
"What's up darling?" I ask her.
"Nothing." She mutters head full of duvet. Then she gets up and walks out.

Part 2 will be out shortly

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