Family away from family

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A/n: in this book we're gonna pretend that June mead is not in heaven and is alive and well. I still feel great sympathy for Beth and her family so I will not try and make anything about it.

Beth's POV
"Text me when you get there." Viv says to me. I'm going to Hinderwell today to see my family and friends which I haven't seen in absolutely ages.
"I will don't worry! I will pick you up from the train station on Thursday." I reply. Viv can't come with me as she has some media thing so she promised me she will come down on the Thursday. It's Tuesday now so that means 1 day without her. We've spent longer apart during international break so we don't mind that much.
"Ok you better go now or that train will set off without you. I love you."
"I love you too, see you Thursday."
"See you Thursday darling".

That train ride was one of the worst train rides in the history of train rides. First off my private seats were interrupted by so called 'influencers' I had no idea who they were but they insisted they were to famous to sit in the public area. The train company couldn't do anything about it or so they said they couldn't do anything about it but I think they're just saying that for no drama. Then I heard a baby cry from 3 compartments down. I feel bad for the mother. And then I couldn't sleep. A 5hr train journey and no sleep. But thankfully I'm off now and going to see my family. All my family are at my house right now for our annual family gathering that normally lasts around a week. By all my family I mean all my family. Not just Ben mum and dad. I mean cousins, aunties, uncles, grandparents. The good thing being ages range so everyone has atleast someone to hang around with. I have to say though I have been told I'm the favourite cousin and I do not disagree. As I walk out of the train station I look for Bens car. He's picking me up as everyone else is too busy preparing our annual dinner. I will probably be the last family member to arrive but that just means a grander welcome for me. I see bens car and walk over to it. Ben gets out and starts screaming causing a lot of heads to turn.
"Omg Beth! The Beth mead is standing right there! Can I have a picture Beth Mead?" He says in a little girls voice taking the mick out of me.
"I think you have enough pictures Ben Bobs." I say as we hug. Then we get into the car and talk about life for the 15 minute drive to the house. As we get there I grab my bag out of the boot as we walk into the house. No one is in the corridor but I knew everyone would be in the kitchen. I walk in and get bombarded by 'hi' 'hello' and 'yooo Beth mead in the house'. I then get pulled into the 'girl chat' circle which concludes of female family members from the ages 14-89. I finally realise what this is about. My family want to know everything about my life and seems like it's my day. Normally I get out of this by making up rumours about the teenagers. My cousin may is 15 and I can normally start selling the rumour that she has a boyfriend or has a crush but when I look over at her she just shakes her head sensing how they have already targeted her.
"Okay okay I'll share my life stories with you in a second. I just need to text viv." I say.
"Whose viv? Is she your girlfriend?" May asks straining the els on girlfriend.
"Yes. Yes she is." I say causing shocked faces to appear on all the faces besides my mothers and my brother's girlfriend who both already know. I go to my room quickly and sit on my king size bed I then pull my phone out and text viv.

Beth: Hey. I'm here safe so you can stop stressing.
Viv: what makes you think I was stressing?
Beth: I don't know maybe the text Katie sent saying you wouldn't sit down until you knew I was here.
Viv: What no! I was just trying to get my exercise in.
Beth: Your a footballer you do enough exercise as it is.
Viv: An injured footballer who can do more. How's your family?
Beth: All good. Only just realised I had a girlfriend so when I go down I'll have to deal will confrontation but oh well.
Viv: good luck 😭. I have to go now darling so I'll call you before bed?
Beth: perfect baby. Love you
Viv: love you too!

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