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Vivs POV

We just played against Sheffield United. We beat them 9-0 and we have knocked them out of the tournament. I didn't feel amazing before it but right now I feel worst. I've not told anyone and as far as I can tell no one can notice. Thank god. I hate when people sympathise over you. It makes me feel so weak. Well anyone but Beth. Beth can sympathise over me and I can sympathise over her. But I really really don't want her to know how I feel. I feel as if a spider is inside my stomach and all it's spider babies are searching every part of my body. Headaches, stomach aches, cramping. I feel dead. As I sit on the bus I look out the window and try not to socialise at all. I put my noise cancelling headphones on and try and focus on the horizon. A little trick my mother taught me when I was travel sick. I'm not travel sick. I'm just sick. At the first service stop everyone gets off. Well apart from me. I feel as if I can't move. When all the players are off I speak to the medic who is with us for a quick minute.
"Hey do you have any paracetamol?" I ask her and she shakes her head.
"Sorry viv the other guy has that." I just nod my head then place my headphones back on. I look out the window again and focus on not dying yet. When we set off moving again the headache gets the worst ever. I put my hand on my head and try to soothe it but it won't work. I send a quick text to Beth to ask if she has any paracetamol. She views the text then a minute later I feel a light tap on my shoulder.
"Here. You alright?" She asks and I shake my head. "What's wrong?" She asks and I just look out the window. I really don't want this to happen now. A minute later I realise Beth has sat next to me on the 4 seater tables. Just for reference Katie and Lotte are in front. All her stuff is still at the back but Beth is next to me.
"What's the matter Vivi?" She whispers and I sigh. I then type it out on notes as I can't speak. If I speak I feel like ima be sick. Beth looks at my with sympathetic eyes. Then I type out that I'll be fine and I'll see her when we get home. She nods and goes even though I can tell she doesn't want to. As I look out the window again I realise everything starts to get a bit blurry.

No one's POV

Boom. Vivs head has hit the table and she's knocked out cold. The thing is because of the loud music which has been echoing through out the coach no one has realised apart from the 2 girls in front of her.
"Viv? VIV?" Lotte starts saying as she gets up and goes next to her. She starts shaking her and viv doesn't wake up. At this point the music lowers and a strong Scottish accent from the back shouts.
"What you doing chick?"
"VIVS FAINTED!" When Lotte shouts that Beth is immediately there. Lotte gets up so Beth can sit next to her girlfriend.
"Viv." She starts saying as she shakes her. "Wake up for me darling." As she says that viv starts to come around. She has been out seconds but for Beth and most people on that bus it felt like hours. Viv suddenly starts holding her head.
"Hey shh. Shh." Beth soothes
Of course the only medic on the bus got off and went onto the other one. Now the only people on this bus are the team. And obviously the driver. Right now no one knows what to do. There 4 and a half hours away from London and with traffic that ads on another 2.
Katie is right now on phone with her Irish teammate who is a doctor. Beth is trying to soothe an in pain viv. I'm pretty sure Kim has phoned Jonas and is on call with him. Leah is stressing and Googling everything and the other girls are just confused on what to do. Someone has told the driver to stop at the next services because that's what happens. Lotte runs in and asks if there's any doctors around and thankfully there was. She leads him out and he checks over viv. He ushers everyone our other then viv. Beth was adamant she was staying so adamant some of the girls had to try and drag her off but that was a bad idea because viv got immediately worst. The doctor stops her in her tracks and makes her stay.

Beth's POV

"She has a concussion." The doctor says.
"But what about the pain in her stomach and the cramping and uhh."
I start but he stops me.
"That is err something else." He starts and I look at him.
"What is your relation with her?" He asks referring to viv.
"She's my girlfriend."
"Ok. Uh look she has an infection in her lower stomach. That has spread. It can be very serious and even cause death if not treated immediately. Luckily for you the symptoms appeared just before that happens." The doctor says and I nod. "She will be in pain for the whole drive down but as soon as you get to London make sure you get her to a hospital." He says and I nod and say thank you. The team re enter and when they ask what's wrong with her I say I'm not telling. I'm not telling anyone my girlfriends medical issues without her consent.

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