Not a part but need to let it out someway

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I don't know why it's so hard. Sam it's my second Christmas without you. Dad it's my fifth. Madds it's my first. I don't get why you had to go. I'd sacrifice myself any day of the week just to let you love one more day. Dad you made everyone laugh. Sammy you was the biggest show off in the world. Madds you were the most stupid girl ever. But I loved it about all of you. The world can be so cruel sometimes. Why does war exist i sometimes think. Why did my brother and my dad have to sacrifice themselves. But in reality they were pursuing there dreams and protecting our country. Maddy I wish you could see what the football community has been like since you joined the stars. I wish you were still here but what happened has finally made people get the arse into action. Not good enough yet though. I know I should be grateful. Christmas the best time of the year. But yeah. I can't get out of my head how much better it would of been if you 3 were here. Jackson carved the turkey this year. It was really nice and we saved places at the table for you all. Your graves are full with flowers and decorations just how you liked it. With a few "tinnies" next to your stone dad. Don't worry none of that Carling shit. I know you are never gonna see this so it's pointless writing but I hope that you will be watching from afar. I love you all too much.
Your daughter. Your sister. Your favourite. ❤️

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