The hall soon went silent and everyone turned their attention towards the door.

Slowly, she stepped into the room and a collective gasp escaped the lips of the guests. She was like an ethereal vision in her white angelic dress, her honey skin glowed under the warm lights. Her long brown hair was styled in loose curls, framing her radiant face. But what truly caught everyone's attention was her infectious smile.

Her smile was like a ray of sunshine on a beautiful summer day. It lit up her entire face, making her look even more beautiful. Her plump lips were painted in gloss, accentuating her smile even more. As she made her way towards the center of the room, her smile never faltered, radiating happiness and joy.

The guests couldn't help but stare in admiration at the stunning birthday girl.

As she reached the center of the room, she was met with cheers and applause from her loved ones. Her smile widened even more, if that was possible, as she soaked in all the love and attention from her guests. She thanked everyone with a graceful bow and smile.

"Happy birthday mamá" a little boy ran from Luciano side towards her. She smiled widely and bent to his level so he could hug her.

"Thank you baby" I read the words of her lips. The guests were in awe as they witnessed the beautiful moment between the mother and son.

Luciano, along with their two years old daughter joined the circle and I felt tears in my eyes. It was such a moment to behold and if I were the ones in their shoes I'd pray everyday to relive it.

While everyone was having I was pulled aside by Gisella. "Thank you so much Luna, thank you for everything" she had tears in her eyes, it made me happy knowing that I was able to satisfy their wishes and make their visions of today come to live.

"It's no problem honestly, plus I don't deserve the whole praise Gisella, the people I worked with did a perfect job too"

"I know" she whispered. "Thanks again" she pulled me into a hug.

"Woah! The food is amazing mamá, who made them?" Clarissa, Gisella and Lucien daughter commented as she stuffed them into her mouth.

"Issa" she glared at her. "Don't talk while eating"

"Sorry mamá" she mouthed with a smile and I couldn't help but smile too.

"Happy birthday aunt Camila, uncle Luciano and Lucien" a beautiful young girl approached them with her gift. Camila smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you Esmeralda"

Despite the joyful atmosphere and how happy everyone was, deep down I wasn't happy.

I admired the Serrano family and the families close to them which include the Dela-Lucchese, DelMontes and the Lombardis. They are one big happy family.

I didn't know how loving and beautiful it was to have a big family, but being a part of their family through my job, I can't describe how elated I felt. I'm very much contented with my little family which compromise of my siblings but this? It's marvelous.

The feeling I've been trying to hide all night finally came to the top of my heart and I felt my eyes burn with tears. Luckily, no one was paying attention so I slipped away from the crowd and went to my hotel room.

I finally let the tears to roll down as I remembered that my siblings were spending the Holiday in the hospital. I felt horrible for having fun and enjoying myself while my real family were enclosed in the hospital.

I quickly changed out of my dress and slipped into a pair of green leggings and a long sleeve red top. I packed the Christmas snacks and gifts I got for Raphael and set out to leave.

 I packed the Christmas snacks and gifts I got for Raphael and set out to leave

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I watched her leave the hall and immediately I could tell why. Despite the bright smile she put on, the pain she was feeling surpassed through her facade.

"Serena, I'm leaving now" I informed her and a frown settled on her face.

"Russo, I thought you quit already? This is a family...

"It's not about that woman, I need to be with Luna" her eyes shone in realization and soon they were filled with guilt.

"Oh my goodness! We were too focused on the party, we totally forgot about her brother, I hope she doesn't hate us after this" i rolled my eyes after she was done rambling.

"Don't be dramatic Serena, it obviously won't get to that. I don't have time for little talks, Luna needs me, I'll see you later" I didn't give a room for her reply I was off.

"Luna Sanchez" I asked the receptionist. She looked at me with a raised brow and it irked me. "Dammit woman" I slammed my hand on the counter, scaring her with my outburst.

"S..sorry sir" she quickly apologized and turned to check her desktop for the desired information.

"You mean the chef right?" I didn't reply with words, I let my stern glare do the talking. " 315" i made a mental note of the number and dashed towards the elevator.

Finally I reached her room, and I stood outside the door for a while. I could hear faint sniffles from inside, and it caused my heart to ache.

How could I have been so blind to her pain? Without any warning I opened the door and walked in.

Her eyes widened in shock as she saw me standing at the doorway. "W-what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice shaky from crying.

"Tesoro," I whispered, and walked over to her. "I'm sorry." I hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go.

She stiffened at first, not expecting my sudden appearance and apology, but soon relaxed and hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while, and when we finally pulled away, I gazed into her eyes and I could see the pain in them.

"What are you doing here Russo?" she asked, her voice breaking slightly. "You should be downstairs celebrating with everyone else."

I shook my head, my guilt intensifying. "No, I'm coming with you. Please forgive my ignorance Tesoro. C'mon, let's go."

She shook her head, her eyes filled with sadness.

"No, Russo. I don't want to..."

"Young lady, don't argue with me," I said firmly, with a stern look. "I'm coming with you to the hospital and that's final"

She sighed in defeat, knowing she couldn't win against me when I had made up my mind.

"Give them to me" I grabbed her stuff and held her with hand my free hand.

"Give them to me" I grabbed her stuff and held her with hand my free hand

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