He bypassed the eunuch and the guards standing guard outside the dungeon and made his way inside. On the way to Fu Han's dungeon, he saw many people and heard shouts from everywhere. Rounding the corner, he stopped and listened to their conversations. "That's not what Zhen had asked you! Where are you from and what is it you want from Concubine Li?" Feng Yu Han asked a second time, but Concubine Fu still failed to give him the answer he wanted to hear, so the torture was turned up a notch.

Li Chang Bo heard the screams and cries of Fu Han struggling to talk Feng Yu Han out of the torture. Li Chang Bo knew for a fact that the reason Fu Han would not say where he came from or why he did what he did was because he was not authorised to tell anyone about the existence of the system as it was forbidden. But this was precisely Li Chang Bo's goal, he wanted Fu Han to destroy himself, knowing that if the host revealed the existence of the system, he would be directly eliminated from the system and the system would look for a new host to bind with.

Feng Yu Han saw a phenomenon that was out of this world and beyond explanation. Consort Fu's face and body changed, not the new scars, but his skin colour changed from white to wheat-yellow, from smooth to dry and blotchy with black spots. His hair lost its shine and became dry, his small face grew larger, his eyes became small and dull, his lips lost their pink colour and pimples formed on his face.

[Haha, look at their faces. They're hilarious. I'm dying].
The system beamed the images of the guards reaction to Fu Han’s transformation, in front of Li Chang Bo's eyes and cracked up laughing. Li Chang Bo's laughter almost escaped his lips when he saw the image.
'Damn, those faces look exquisite. You almost made me laugh! What if they notice us!' Li Chang Bo replied as he fanned his face trying to suppress his urge to laugh.
The system hovered in front of him and looked at him blankly in confusion: [I thought you didn't care if we were noticed].
'Yes, but I'd still rather he didn't see us now. I don't wanna have to explain why I'm here eavesdropping on him.'
The system just shrugged its shoulders and went back into the space, where it looked at its photo album full of comical facial expressions of various people from the three worlds.

"Are you insisting on avoiding answering my question?"
"This concubine really doesn't know what the emperor wants from him." Fu Han said through gritted teeth. He would rather be tortured than lose the system, it's not like he can't escape the torture with the help of the system. Once he escapes and gets his appearance up to peak condition, he'll take revenge on Li Chang Bo, since all this is happening because of him.
Feng Yu Han handed the guard standing on the side a small jar with a pill inside. "I don't care how you do it but he has to be handed this today."
The guard held the jar tightly in his hand and bowed, "Yes, your majesty."

Before he had left the room, Li Chang Bo had already left and was waiting for him at the entrance. Outside, Emperor Feng was a little surprised to see Li Chang Bo, he walked up to him and firmly hugged him. It felt like he hadn't seen him for days, even though only a couple of hours had passed.
"Baby, what are you doing here? Do you need something?" he asked as he caressed Li Chang Bo's cheek.

"You weren't there when I woke up. I heard you were here, that's why I came" Li Chang Bo said as his gaze shifted from Feng Yu Han to the dungeon. Feng Yu Han's eyes were fixed on Li Chang Bo's face so he noticed his abnormality and knew exactly what was going on in his lover's little head. Amused, he gently turned his head towards him and tapped him lightly on the head. "Why can I see many little wheels turning in your little head?" Li Chang Bo looked at him with a slightly offended look. "hmm, what are you thinking about right now?" he asked, squeezing his baby's soft cheeks. "Hanhan, stop teasing me. I wasn't thinking about anything," Li Chang Bo said pouting as Feng Yu Han continued to knead his cheeks and pull funny faces. 'why is he so cute?'

Li Chang Bo turned his head and bit his hand, getting an astonished face from his lover. Li Chang Bo grinned provocatively, "Serves you right, instead of being with me in the morning, you're with him." Feng Yu Han gently pinched his ear, which earned him a soft hiss from Li Chang Bo: "Naughty." Li Chang Bo turned round and walked away quickly.

Emperor Feng was aware that his visit to the dungeon today had greatly unsettled his baby. He knows that his carelessness in the past has resulted in his baby being abused to the point of trauma. Only now he wasn't really sure what he had to do to make him feel safe. The only thing he could do now was stand by his side and get rid of anyone who wanted to harm him. Sighing slightly, he walked after him with his hands crossed behind his back.


An imperial decree has been published stating that Consort Fu has been demoted from his rank to commoner for violating the imperial order and exploiting the emperor's favour to his own advantage by mistreating the palace staff and concubine Li. All his assets are confiscated and anyone who helps him is considered a traitor and convicted of treason for going against the imperial order. And the concubine Li was promoted to consort Li, second only to the empress, because he is benevolent and caring.

This caused an uproar for a while, not because they were against Fu Han's demotion, but because they wondered why the emperor's favourite was demoted to a commoner when he was the most powerful person in the harem. None of the ministers were opposed to this imperial decree, because they were strongly opposed to a commoner sitting in a third-ranking consort's seat in the emperor's harem. A prince was much more suitable.

“Does any of you know why the consort got demoted?” one of the many concubines of the emperor asked the other concubines who were with her. They were originally sitting in the imperial garden, drinking tea and enjoying the view until one of the servants came announcing the imperial edict.

Another concubine rolled her eyes and said, “Why are you still calling him consort? That bitch finally got what he deserved. A low life like himself thinks that he can order us nobles around like slaves. He was only able to act so arrogantly because he had the emperor behind him but now that he has lost the Emperor’s favor he is nothing.”
The others snickered, “But, I heard that he is in the dungeon.”

Silence reigned and everyone turned to the person who made that comment, shocked and horrified. "How do you know that?" "Yes, how do you know that? Surely it's just a rumour."
"Sister is right. Why would he be in prison if he hasn't done anything wrong? The emperor may be fierce but he is not unjust." When the concubine saw that no one believed her, she became angry and flustered. She slapped the table lightly and made a motion to stand up. "What I'm saying is true. My maid heard it from guards who had talked about it." They all looked at each other, trying to find out the reason behind his arrest in the other man's face, but they found nothing. The Ger, who was sitting next to her, nudged her lightly, "Why do you stop talking now. Tell us. Why is he in prison?"
"My maid told me that the guards said Fu Han was in prison because he was caught by the emperor when he tried to torture Concubine Li, sorry Consort Li, yet again. Ever since then he's been in prison.”

Word spread that Fu Han was in prison because he offended Consort Li which was also the reason why he was demoted.


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