One-Shot : An A-Mayzie Christmas Wish

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The house was still, illuminated only by the subtle glow of the lights hanging on the limbs of the Christmas trees in the various rooms of the house. Around the tree were a few pretty boxes and glittering paper packages, all of which were addressed to the occupants of the house. The furnace hummed along merrily, keeping the floors and walls heated with life-saving warmth.

Outside the windows loomed a dreary sight. Heavy gray clouds lingered low and slow, blocking out the sunrise that was surely magnificent on this early December day. The recent rain had moistened the ground, but it was not yet cold enough to freeze into a dangerous sheet of ice.

This dreary day was the perfect time to sleep in and curl up with a hot beverage and a fluffy blanket. As it was, many of the house occupants were still sound asleep. Some dreamed of old days and memories gone by while others dreamed of safe travels and adventures into the horizon.

Then, something – someone – moved. Little feet padded across the floor. Evidently, one of the occupants couldn't sleep. She wouldn't sleep. There were too many things to do and so many things to explore. More importantly, there was something she needed to see.

Mayzie, the little girl padding across the floor, jogged across the immense room past the towering Christmas tree that was more than ten times her height toward the window at the far side of the living area. She darted under the sofa, practicing taking cover just like her father, Soren, taught her.

Mayzie knew there was no danger for her here in this house for people like her, but she knew the dangers of the outside world were very real. She had been told stories by the others, but she had been blessed with knowing no true fear.

After all, a Borrower's life was not an easy one.

At least, it usually wasn't an easy life. Thankfully, an incident years ago led them to founding a family between an entire Borrower community and a special, trustworthy human – Ashlynn.

Mayzie had been told the story of how Soren and Ashlynn met. It started when Soren, her father, was injured by a mousetrap and was forced to stay with Ashlynn until he recovered. While staying there with her, they got to know one another better and a tentative trust formed between them. Soren was almost recovered when both of Mayzie's uncles, Rey and Dorian, arrived at Ashlynn's home, injured and afraid.

Together, the three of them stayed with Ashlynn and, together, they created a family.

While Mayzie knew Ashlynn left for a time and then came back into her father's life after Mayzie came about, she also knew that Ashlynn was the closest person she had to a mother in this whole world. To have a human as a mom was a bit different, but Mayzie wouldn't have it any other way.

So, as she padded across the floor to the window, keeping true to her Borrower roots and not making a sound, she moved fearlessly.

As the little Borrower reached the window, she rubbed her thumb over the hook at her hip. It wasn't nearly as big as her father's hook, but it was still strong enough to hold her. Thankfully, she didn't need it in order to ascend the wall because there was a secure line leading from the ground to the window ledge.

Soren had taught her how to climb a line nearly a year ago, but this was the first time she intended to use it on her own. Fierce and determined, she tugged at her wavy brown hair which was kissed with the slightest bit of auburn so it was nice and tight in the piece of elastic band that kept it tame and grabbed the line. The little Borrower gave the line a tug before hoisting herself up on the line.

Mayzie felt her heart thumping nervously as she pinched the line between her ankles and kept herself steady with her hands. She took a breath and cleared her mind just as her father instructed her to do when she was nervous before crawling up the line like a little inch worm.

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