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Ashlynn stood by the edge of the counter, backside gently pressed against the counter by the once familiar stove. She couldn't help but note the unforgivable pounding in her chest as she waited. The tingling sensation of Rey being in her hand was familiar. She had missed it. She missed him.

She missed Rey's spunky personality and his zeal for life even after what happened to him all those years ago. She could still hear his whimpering cry from inside the bag he was placed in when he was caught on that wretched glue trap. She could still hear his pleading voice as he called out to Soren his brother to help him and for her to spare his life – not make him a pet.

How far they had come...

Ashlynn closed her hand instinctually to memorize the sensation she feared she had forgotten. Rey had gotten so much bigger, so much older. There were so many changes and yet he was the same. Ashlynn wondered what changes happened to Soren.

Was he any taller? Shorter? How was his leg all this time later? Had he changed at all? Would he have the same reaction to seeing her that Rey did?

She felt an odd sensation from behind her; like she was being watched. It was only for a moment, but it was still there all the same. Instinctually, Ashlynn turned around to see the golden hazel eyes of the one person she had longed to see more than any other.


A nervous chill shot down Ashlynn's spine from the base of her neck down her spine. A smile spread from one side of her face to the other as she breathed out nervously.

"Soren," she breathed. Soren looked just as nervous as she did, which made her smile wider, but that didn't stop him from smiling back.

"Ashlynn," echoed Soren. He couldn't believe it. There she was. It was like a day hadn't passed between them. There were some elements which seemed different, like the way she held herself which seemed more confident. Still, Soren could instantly tell that she hadn't truly changed.

Soren took another few steps forward, a nervous pounding in his chest keeping him hyper aware of his surroundings.

"Ashlynn, it's so good to see you," he said, disbelief saturating his statement. Ashlynn watched Soren approach, silently thrilled as she was no hesitation in his step from his once injured leg. The charged energy felt the same, but Soren still had a measure of control unlike his youngest brother. So, instead of reaching out to catch Soren, she laid her hand palm up against the counter.

With no hesitation, Soren stepped onto the outstretched fingers and used her thumb to brace himself as she brought her hand up to her chest and pressed her free hand against his back as he walked forward and leaned forward. There was no way his arms were wide enough, but it didn't stop him from trying.

Being so close to each other brought a thousand thoughts and sensations and memories flooding over the both of them. Their embrace lasted for forever, yet only seconds in the grand scheme of things. Ashlynn pulled her free hand away and pulled Soren away to get a proper view of her first Borrower companion.

"Hey," she breathed, keeping her voice low as she had learned to do once before. "It's been a while." Her voice was shaking. Was she shaking? Ashlynn felt her cheeks warm at seeing Soren, holding him, so close.

"Way too long," smiled Soren as he instinctually sat down on her hand and leaned against her thumb. "Gosh. You haven't changed a day."

"Neither have you," responded Ashlynn as she carefully leaned back against the opposite counter, keeping her hand steady for Soren. "How have you been? I'm sure Rey filled you in on what I've been up to, being a realtor and all. Rey told me some new families moved in and stuff. Getting along okay?"

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