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It had been years, but it was undeniable. Ashlynn was standing in the home they once shared. Rey could see the flicker of confusion as Ashlynn slowly recognized him.

"Rey?" she asked hesitantly as a smile spread across her face. The inviting brightness in her stormy blue-grey eyes returned and, suddenly, Rey's excitement got the better of him. It had been so long since he had seen their human companion and finally, after all this time, she came back.

"Ashlynn!" he cheered as he ran freely across the counter, leapt over the stove, and charged directly at Ashlynn. Ashlynn knew what was coming. She had seen the Borrower boy, now teen, do this before. Instinctually, she stepped forward and raised her right hand, laying it to the side, as Rey ran forward and crashed into her palm.

"Rey," she said, voice barely above a whisper, as her throat continued to constrict. She had missed this.

His impossibly small arms wrapped around the base of her index finger, one above and one in between her fingers, as he hugged her with all of his might. Ashlynn had almost forgotten what it was like holding their miniscule forms. It was like the brush of a feather against her palm that held a weight of its own.

Ashlynn carefully curled her fingers around Rey's Borrower form and simultaneously with great caution rotated her hand to lift him fully into her palm. Her hand, now cradling Rey, glided over to hold the teenage Borrower to her chest.

"I missed you," said Rey, voice evidently also tremoring with emotion as he continued to clutch onto Ashlynn's finger.

"I missed you too. I'm so sorry I've been away for so long," said Ashlynn. She closed her eyes, remembering for a moment the fear he once held for her and the apprehension of being held. How easy it was now for him to approach her, his devoted trust unwavering even through the years of absence.

Ashlynn hadn't realized that tears gathered in the corners of her eyes until she felt Rey squirming around to face her. Ashlynn wiped her eyes with her free hand as she pulled her hand away from her chest while rotating her hand, palm up, and uncurled her fingers to reveal the Borrower inside.

Rey had rolled around to sit cross-legged almost in the center of her palm and was gazing up at her. His heart was hammering in his chest and he hadn't felt this happy to see someone from the past in a very long time. He couldn't believe it. Ashlynn was here – she was back!

A million questions whirled around his head, leaving his mouth open and an unending smile on his face. Finally, he found his voice after running his fingers through his hair a couple of times to snap him out of his stupor.

"Gosh, Ashlynn. It's been years! Where have you been? What's new? What brings you back? How are you? You look good. Wow, I need to get a hold of myself. I'm freaking out," asked Rey in rapid succession. Ashlynn couldn't help but laugh at her handheld companion.

"No, you're fine. I think you spoke for both of us," she chuckled as she turned slowly and propped herself against the counter. "I've been good. Nothing too crazy happening, which is always a good thing. I have a new apartment and I've been working as a realtor."

"Realtor?" asked Rey, cocking his head to the side, reminding Ashlynn of a confused puppy. She had forgotten how animated Rey was when he talked.

"Yeah," said Ashlynn. "It's basically me going into peoples' houses to sell them to other people." Rey felt his jaw slacken.

"What? You can just go into houses as you please. Ha! You said you couldn't just get into other peoples' homes years ago. Look at you! You're a Borrower after all," smiled Rey. Ashlynn rolled her eyes and shook her head, unable to pull the smile from her face.

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