Fall Of Konoha part 2

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Warning: I advise the reader to use his or her discretion, intended for mature readers only.

Contains scenes of explicit sexual nature activities, strong language, bloody violence for short [L.S.V.], and unsuitable for children under 17, you have been warned.


/We start off from chapter 75, we left off at Konoha at a ruin area where Diva Path Pain stood while gazing from a far but soon he felt someone who quickly appear close by and the chakra is massive but regardless Diva Pain calmly turn to see who stand before him now and it's none other then Tsunade who's clearly upset and it's all pointed at the Diva Pain who calmly spoke in his indifferent tone/

Diva Pain: So you've come.

Tsunade: *Angry* What the hell are you doing in my village, you have a lot of nerve to do what you've done here today, so many people died because of you, what is it that you hope to gain from this!?

Diva Pain: You should know, I would ask for the 9 tails Jinchūriki but seeing how much destruction I've cause, I realize it would be meaningless since you and your people would refuse to hand him over, so I had him and the lotus princess remove and they'll pay for they're defiance with their homes in ruins.

Tsunade: So you've done all this to spit them, you realize you can't defeat them as they are now, goes to show how weak you really are, a coward against those who are stronger then you, even if you do destroy this village, you'll regret it and you're so called master plans will be in ruins, I believe those two can handle anything you've thrown at them.

/Diva Pain flinch with annoyance since it is true why else did Pain and Obito send both Naruto and Sakura away from this battle field during the darkness of night and attack at the same time, it's insulting to admit to one self that Tsunade basically hit the nail on the head, but none the less Diva Pain or to say Nagato himself needed to go through with his plans and trying to fight Obito would be the end of him none the less since Nagato knows he's not strong enough to defeat Obito who he believes to be Madara Uchiha, but regardless Nagato knows his own personal limits but fighting someone like Tsunade, it won't be easy but none the less he believes himself able to face 1 of the legendary Sannin Tsunade, and so for no further words Diva Pain raise his right hand which Tsunade took notice quickly and press with her right foot to quickly press down hard to cause an mini earthquake and have the ground dirt to lift up do to the pressure that Tsunade is pressing down with her right foot and it cause Diva Pain to stop since using Univeral Pull would only pull the earth wall that Tsunade easily made and so Tsunade took this moment to kick the dirt wall towards Diva Pain which he extended his arms out and say the words by command/

Diva Pain: All Mighty Push.

/Diva Pain destroyed the kicked dirt wall easily but what he didn't expected after his All Mighty Push was Tsunade quickly rushing towards him and shouts out with her fist landing on his face quickly which sends him flying hard across Konoha and harshly crashed against a wall which is the edge of Konoha's ruined walls which is the only thing remain standing and since the crash was so harsh Diva Pain soon fall down on the ground floor in a haze state but soon shakes his head to stand as if it was never punched but let's not forget it is a dead body that Nagato is using and when Diva Pain tried to stand it couldn't since it's left leg was broken including it's jaw which it hung open and only exposing it's tongue that hangs down but none the less Diva Pain stands in one remaining right leg and it's still cable of communication by telepathy to Tsunade which token her by surprise/

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