I Am Curse From Above!

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/We begin this story in our world, during a dark night. A young man lies on the street, dying, feeling the flow of his own blood slowly leaving his body. The dying young man can barely see what has happened to him, but he can make out the heavily damaged white car, which is not the only one, in his surrounding area. As time passes, his vision darkens further, just like his life will soon enough. People start to gather at the crash scene, but the young man's vision is already as dark as black. His last thoughts are/

Young man: (I'm... going to... die...)

/Those last thoughts were spoken in the final moments of the young man's life. Soon after, the life left his eyes, and he passed away. From the perspective of the deceased young man, he opens his eyes and sees only pure darkness. He thinks to himself/

Young man: (Where I am..., well I guess it's pointless to think about it..., I'm dead now..., I wonder if the others are alright..., I guess I can sleep now...)

/The young man was about to close his eyes in the darkness of the world he was in, when suddenly a dotted light shone brightly enough for him to see, surprising him. As he approached it, he thought to himself/

Young man: (This light..., it's warm..., it's a nice feeling..., just let me reach it...)

/Soon after, the light grew brighter and brighter, engulfing the young man. Then, darkness was all he saw. However, he felt something different. He thought to himself/

Young man: (Now I feel tired..., I'll... go to sleep now...)

/The young man soon fell into a deep sleep. Suddenly, everything seemed to happen all at once. The view of what the person we know as passed away saw a dim light once again, but this dim light grew brighter quickly. He then soon heard something. He heard crying and thought to himself/

???: (Crying, why am I hearing crying, why is everything dark, why do I feel warm and wet, why am I feeling so many feelings!?)

/The person hears speech patterns that are unfamiliar to him, as they are in a foreign language. However, he is somewhat familiar with it and soon recognizes it. More importantly, he realizes something about himself/

???: (Wait I'm a baby, how, okay okay, think about this, perhaps I was reborn as someone yeah that makes sense I think, but now what, I know this is japanese, does that mean I was born in japan, okay that kinda sucks sense I have to study so much and work my life away, dear god why did you send me here?)

/The newborn listens to two talking adults while being held by the mother. The newly reborn baby listens as best he can, even though his view is darkness/

Unknown mother: She's beautiful honey, I think I know what to name her, Sakura.

/As the baby hears his name, he is unsure about what the mother said about anything else/

Sakura: (Okay wait Sakura, so I'm a girl dang I like being a guy, well whatever I guess but it sure is weird to think about it, I use to be a guy but now I'm a girl, I wonder if they'll be okay with me being a lesbian, hopefully they're not religious because I want nothing to do with that.)

/The reborn baby girl, now named Sakura, listens more to her parents talking while trying to make sense of their words, but she couldn't. This continued for a time until finally, baby Sakura was able to open her eyes and see the world around her with a limited view, but well enough/

Sakura: (Finally I can see, heh kinda remains me of a saying back in Naruto, I wonder if they'll know the joke?)

/Then, baby Sakura finally hears someone coming and realizes it is none other than her mother [here's a pic of it]/

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