3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest

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/We start off from chapter 17, as Shizune, Jiraiya, Naruto, and Sakura quickly made there way to where a fight happen but no one was around [here's a pic of it and don't forget Sakura's there too]/

/We start off from chapter 17, as Shizune, Jiraiya, Naruto, and Sakura quickly made there way to where a fight happen but no one was around [here's a pic of it and don't forget Sakura's there too]/

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/As they see the damage that was done in the area they are at right now/

Jiraiya: Well well, someone put Tsunade in a bad mood and it not something you want to do she has a foul temper.

Naruto: Man and I thought Sakura was bad but sheesh that old lady is worse.

Sakrua: *Sakura felt a little annoyed with Naruto* Jeez thanks Naruto...!

/As Naruto noticed Sakura looking annoyed with him as it made Naruto nervous/

Naruto: Hey, hey I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

/As Sakura couldn't help but roll her eyes but smile a bit as Naruto looks around and speaks/

Naruto: So where is the grumpy old bat now?

/As Naruto looks around and noticed Tsunade's green jacket as Shizune's pet pig Tonton sniff the jacket to locate where Tsunade is by smelling her trails as Shizune speaks up to Tonton/

Shizune: Well Tonton?

/As Tonton leads the way as Naruto speaks up/

Naruto: Well let's go!

/As Naruto, Sakura, Shizune, and Jiraiya follows Tonton since he's leading them to Tsunade by following her scent as they quickly made there way to Tsunade as they see that boy with glasses who's running towards her and about to strike Tsunade and say [here's pic of Kabuto and Tsunade already fighting]/

/As Naruto, Sakura, Shizune, and Jiraiya follows Tonton since he's leading them to Tsunade by following her scent as they quickly made there way to Tsunade as they see that boy with glasses who's running towards her and about to strike Tsunade and...

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Kabuto: So you fear the sight of blood eh, let's put it to the test!

/Then a smoke bomb was dropped before Tsunade as Kabuto quickly jumps back and see that Jiraiya, Shizune, Naruto, and Sakura showed up in time and standing before Kabuto as Orochimaru who's been standing on the side lines speaks up/

Orochimaru: It's been a long time old friend.

Jiraiya: Long time indeed and I can't say it improve your looks any old friend.

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