Over Coming The Dark Within

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Warning: I advise the reader to use his or her discretion, intended for mature readers only.

Contains scenes of explicit sexual nature activities, strong language, bloody violence for short [L.S.V.], and unsuitable for children under 17, you have been warned.


/We start off from chapter 59, we start off with Naruto's mindscape where both Naruto and his dark self are laying on the shallow waters and tired out from their long battle against each other and breathing heavily [here's a pic of it]/

/We start off from chapter 59, we start off with Naruto's mindscape where both Naruto and his dark self are laying on the shallow waters and tired out from their long battle against each other and breathing heavily [here's a pic of it]/

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/Both Narutos struggle to get up and they did slowly, both Naruto and his shadow self staring at one another/

Shadow Naruto: All that talk and look how bad you look.

Naruto: Oh shut up, like your any better!

/Both Narutos are panting, struggling to catch their breaths. They each create a Rasengan and charge towards one another, forcefully colliding their spheres. This causes the concentrated chakra balls to explode, and Naruto awakens, returning to the real world. His eyes snap open, a look of shock apparent on his face. He breathes heavily, clearly exhausted from the ordeal/

Naruto: Oh crap...

/While Naruto is tiring out from fighting his dark self and just in time with both Sakura and Kakashi returning to the waterfall of truth to see Naruto tired which got Sakura to react with concern and she rush to be by Naruto's side and she spoke with worry in her voice/

Sakura: Are you okay?

/Naruto looks to Sakura while still feeling tired from his fight/

Naruto: Yeah, man fighting myself, it's like anything I would do, he does it the same way, we have the same strength, tricks, jutsus, everything, I throw everything I had, but it wasn't enough, I can't think of anything to get an edge.

Sakura: I see, why don't you take a break and think of a different way, maybe you're looking at things wrong.

Naruto: Like what?

Sakura: Just relax for a moment, I'll tell you what you need to do, okay.

/Naruto wordlessly nodded in agreement and gets up, and so Sakura and Naruto went somewhere within the woods to have Naruto rest and that being Sakura having Naruto's head on her own lap, while Naruto looks up to Sakura who's caressing his hair to help Naruto relax more and spoke softly/

Sakura: So tell me everything that happen in that mind of yours.

/Gently resting his head on Sakura's lap, Naruto gazes up at her with an earnest expression. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, reflecting on his recent battle against the darkness within himself. As Sakura tenderly strokes his hair, he begins to share his experience, sincerity evident in his voice/

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