Darkest Before Dawn

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/We start off from chapter 23, we start off with both Sakura and Sasuke staring at each other while standing on each of the large statue of the historic known figures of the great 1st war well known ninjas, Madara Uchiha the statue that is Sasuke standing on and Sakura as she's standing on the other statue of the great 1st lord hokage named Hashirama Senju as both Sasuke and Sakura stand opposed to each other at the valley of the end during the night to have there greatest fights but before that Sakura thinks to herself before starting the fight with Sasuke/

Sakura: (This won't be easy, regardless how this looks I'm a bit worn out and Sasuke just awaken the 2nd state of the curse mark and it's likely his body is filled with more nature energy even if it's corrupt, that's not something to mess with but there is a way to win if I pull it off Sasuke might not have a chance to go state 2 curse mark and that's the best bet I got, okay game on.)

Sasuke: What's wrong Sakura I thought you wanted to fight.

/As Sakura looks at Sasuke who's standing with a grin on his face as Sakura scoffed/

Sakura: Don't be so pushy Sasuke, don't you know girls hates it when a boy is pushy, perhaps you should learn some manners first, after all girls like myself hate to be in a rush Sasuke.

Sasuke: Hump I have a hard time picturing it, you a normal girl please you're nothing like them, all they do is waste around doing pointless things and they never seem to stop bothering me as if I'm some kinda prize to be had, it's sickening but as for you, you're not like them at all, sure you're much like a girl but you have a very fiery passion to fight and let's be honest Sakura, you're the only girl who ever fought me and actually hit me more then once, that's a lot to be said then the rest of the class.

/As Sakura smile a bit feeling a bit prideful as she looks at Sasuke/

Sakura: True but I didn't like that I lost to you back then, I wanted to beat you just once in a fair match, perhaps this fight will give me what I've wanted.

Sasuke: And what's that?

Sakura: To be known as the strongest, call it pride or arrogance Sasuke but I've always longed for that my hold life, it's fun, it's so much fun fighting, being the best, and have every guy and girl respecting you out of your hard work, I do get where you're coming from Sasuke I really do.

Sasuke: But it wasn't enough was it.

/As Sakura looks at Sasuke with a grin none that Sasuke seen in a long time and it was her confident grin [here's a pic of it and ignore what Sakura is saying in the pic but also keep in mind Sasuke is grinning like he is in the pic as well since they are going to fight, you know Sasuke being cocky]/

/As Sakura looks at Sasuke with a grin none that Sasuke seen in a long time and it was her confident grin [here's a pic of it and ignore what Sakura is saying in the pic but also keep in mind Sasuke is grinning like he is in the pic as well since ...

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Sakura: Of course not, I wanted to prove that I am the strongest and that means beating you, now I have that chance Sasuke.

Sasuke: Heh you couldn't beat me back then and it won't be any different now Sakura, you might as well give up on that idea.

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