Paul held his knees and took a deep breath. He though these things only happened in stories, but yet again, everything he'd seen since arriving in Remnant was straight out of a story book. He wasn't even given a moment to rest and collect his thoughts, as the gheist slammed down his arm again, creating a gust of wind so powerful, it sent the entire team flying. Paul landed hard on his ass, and continued to slide until he hit a tree. He though he had it bad, until he turned to look at Jaune, and saw him clutching his nuts and mumbling to himself.

Once he finished helping his friend out, he turned to see that Nora had destroyed one of its arms. That would've been great, except the ghost grimm began throwing what little remained of its arm toward them. He quickly took cover behind a tree, but Jaune was not so lucky. He was hit with a rock directly to the face.

Paul was taking cover for more than he should've. He held his head and waited for something to fall on him. A tree, a rock, a shell something. When he came out of cover, he saw the gheist going after Jaune. Its arm was now a tree, and it was on fire. Then, he saw Ren launch one of his pistols at it like some sort of boomerang. It hit it straight in the face, leaving a visible crack. The grimm was momentarily knocked down and the team regrouped.

"Its body is to thick to penetrate" Said Ren

"It doesn't care about its body" Replied Jaune

"Plus it can regenerate its limbs" Said Nora

The something came into Jaune's mind.

"It's protecting its face"  He mumbled to himself

A lightbulb turned on inside Jaune's mind as he got an idea.

"GUYS I GOT THIS!" Jaune excitedly proclaimed

"Vhat is it"

"We hit it...harder"

The group looked at him with faces that screamed "Are you fucking serious"

"No, I'm serious, if we kill the limbs it will be forced to look for a new body, then, when it's exposed we might have a chance"

With this explanation, the team was ready to act, and everyone took positions. Paul hid behind trees and bushes, and began taking accurate shots to its face. He made sure to rotate every time he fired a shot.

Jaune made the gheist focus on him. Then, everyone began taking turns going for its face, but so far, Paul had been the only successful one. Nora took out an electric dust crystal and before Ren could say anything, slammed it into her body, causing her serious pain, but also a great power surge. She shared a look with Ruby and instantly knew what to do. Ruby used her semblance to grab Nora, and rushed toward the grimm. When they reached it, she let Nora go and with all her might, she slammed her hammer down, destroying all the ghast's limbs in the process. The ghast exited the body a began running away, but Ruby put a shot through its head before that happened.

By the end, Paul looked at himself on his scroll, and noticed he had quite a lot of scratches, and a busted lip.

After collecting their rewards, team JNPRR headed towards the blacksmith, the real reason they decided to go through this village. After speaking with the man, he was more than happy to upgrade all of their weapons completely free of charge, because of what they did for the village.  He said that it would take a day for all to be ready, and to come back tomorrow morning, so the group went back to the house where they were staying, and rested for what remained of the day.

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