Chapter Twenty~3

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The breeze shifted away from them. They felt it move and saw it float to a tree, where it shuffled its petals and carried thousands of golden, white, and red petals in the shape of a large human hand.

It waved at them slowly. Rayan returned the wave with a smile. "This is Cielo, it is the Regno's guardian," Eleni said, flipping off Cielo. Everyone laughed as the petals reshaped into a shocked human face and flipped back at her.

The petals split into multiple hands and floated towards the wooden table, grabbing multiple glowing green strings from the ground that transformed into chairs in an instant.

Each of them took a seat after grabbing a chair. Cielo returned to one pair of hands and tapped beside each one, forming a crystal glass filled with red wine beside them. As the petals emerged back to the tree, the breeze spread all over Rengo, Theia thanked Cielo.

"Such a romantic atmosphere," Camellia said as she sipped her wine. The wine glass's rim was a perfect band of crystal as if a fragment of starlit sky raced around it. Sweet with a hint of sourness. The cold wine swirled around in her mouth; a soft moan was about to escape her lips.

Eleni noticed how relaxed she appeared, smirking at her reaction. "Cielo is a mastermind in wine-making; it has a few drops of its lustro." Rosalia drank all her wine at once, leaving the glass on the table that slowly vanished into small petals that flew slowly into the air till it completely disappeared. She started to show them how they would get Nadine.

The plan of action is straightforward. Taking some of Liam's soul essence will allow them to enter for a moment. Liam would construct a pocket reality in which they could relive the events of Liam's true love, eventually recreating Nadine's existence. Camellia will use her power to bring Nadine back from the pocket reality, using the sword of Heka, which has the power to bring any soul back to life.

Simple and fast.

Rosalia sat with her hand on her lap, waiting for a response to the plan. Rayan exchanged a tense expression with Camellia. "What's wrong?"

Rayan tensed as his gaze was drawn to Rosalia. "It's just a little bit too easy." Liam agreed with him and nodded. "Something doesn't add up; how can this action not interfere with time and reality?"

"No one said it would be easy; we are attempting to capture a soul that no longer exists solely on the basis of her true love essence. Anything could happen." Eleni stated.

"If we followed these steps exactly, we could bring her back and save our worlds." Rayan sneered, causing Rosalia to frown angrily. "I know your people never truly cared about anything other than themselves, but the fact that you're here must mean something."

Rayan smirked even wider when he saw Rosalia's annoyance and said, "It means nothing, I'm here if something terrible happens."

"What could be worse than this massacre and all realms losing their balance?" Rayan could feel her abilities creeping into his body. "Why don't you just open up?"

"Remember who you are, cupid, and don't try to wield your power over me," Rayan said solemnly, a dark shadow forming around his board's shoulders. Rosalia's hands crawled furiously.

Eleni abruptly stood up. "Stop, we don't have time for this." She looked at them both. "I agree with you; it appears a little too simple, but we must stick to the plan. We cannot allow this future to occur, nor can we allow divines to take control of human souls. It destroys all realms. Even if your people are unaffected, we appreciate your assistance, but there is no need to be disrespectful to us. You are a Kuyutha, but you have entered our realm, and not all cupids are lovey and cute, so don't push it."

Rayan smiled and bowed his head slightly. "I sincerely apologize; it was never my intention to offend anyone." He spoke as he shifted slightly in his chair. "I was just answering your question," he said, his last words aimed at Rosalia, who appeared calm once more.

Alchemy Of AbyssOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora