24. Bibi

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"Edgar! Max! Amber! Bibi! Piper! Bea! Lou! Did you see that?! For a quarter of a second and 3 nanoseconds the lump of lead looked like candy!!! What does that mean for the new year?"

First, why the hell is Colette asking us this?!

Second, where did she suddenly get this lead from?

Third, does she know that today we are celebrating Christmas and not New Year's Eve?!

"I have it! According to Tara's cards, I'm destined to play an integral role in pairing up two new Brawlers!!!"

What?! No! Not again! Never again!

Without knowing what I'm actually planning to do, I shoot towards Col, only to bump into Pips halfway from Amber's kitchen with a freshly filled tray of cookies.

"Bibi?! It's all ok?"

"Yes. "Sorry," I mumble.

Ha! Then you heard it! I said sorry! After all I AM capable of apologizing!

We're at Amber's house. Their house is a little more secluded from the city with a stark view of Star Park lit up for Christmas. And then the living room, with a gigantic fireplace and a completely glazed window front on one side. Abs doesn't come from poor parents. By the way, they aren't there. By "we" I mean all the people the devil has just bawled out. Me, my brother, Colette, Amber of course, a certain Lou is also here, not forgetting Max and Bea, our young couple, and finally the person I just ran into: Piper.

"Cookie replenishment!"


"Don't stuff yourself like that, you've already eaten the last three plates!"

"But look how she shines, Edgar. Like a little child. So sweet!"

"She'll have a sugar shock and tear the house apart, then nothing will be sweet here anymore."

"Looks! I think it's starting to snow again."

"I hope my bees are doing well in the snow."



"Clear. I bet they all sleep snuggled up together in the cozy warmth of the hive. BEElieve in them!"

"Hihihi, thanks Max."

To be clear: Piper and I are NOT together. I'm not one of those girls who fall madly in love with the other person after a single kiss, get married and stay happy forever and ever. No, not with me! However, I must admit... Piper has something. Unlike all the boys, she doesn't always get pissed off when I snap at her or am in some other bad mood. We have met a few times since the Christmas party. I wouldn't talk about dates now... but it was fun. And maybe we should hide from Star Park security for a while...

The blonde sits on my lap, laughing and biting into the first cookie. Meanwhile, Colette is standing at the window, her face pressed against it, eyeing the illuminated Star Park like a five-year-old. Sometimes she really is, and I bet Mr Bat she still believes in Santa Claus... even if it's just Bo or Dynamike in disguises. Edgar stands next to her with his scarf on her shoulders. Black to white, cold to hot, emotionless to crazy. They say that opposites should attract.

Amber is sitting on the wide mantelpiece, with the roaring fire next to her and Lou, the ice cream maker, opposite her. The two laugh and seem completely lost in conversation about something. Hmm, fire to ice, pure restlessness to pure serenity, the jittery performer, and the relaxed listener... Opposites really do seem to attract.

Bea and Max are sitting on the fluffy carpet directly below the two of them, cups of steaming cocoa in their hands and also giggling about something. The Bee and the Lightning. I still can't believe this hole crazy plan actually worked. I saw the evening ending in disaster long before the fire broke out. But in the end, it was just another opportunity for my brother and Col to show off with their skins to everyone and Amber got a fairy tale rescue to boot. I'm starting to understand where all these cheesy romance filmmakers get their inspiration from.

And me? I'm sitting on Amber's couch, my arms wrapped around Pip's, rolling my baseball bat under my bare feet, and looking at the Christmas tree.

Not that I believe in Santa Claus anymore. But when I see Amber's little tree, whose branches, covered in red and orange tinsel, vaguely resemble a burning torch, I can't help but smile a little.

What if he was here? And ask myself what I want? I quickly see him standing in front of the tree. The ridiculous bobble of the fluffy red pointed cap hangs over his face, his cheeks and nose are frozen red, but he is smiling broadly.

What do you wish for, Bibi?

I look at Abs and the ice cream maker by the fireplace, at my brother and Col at the window and finally at Pips, who is snuggling up to me with her eyes closed. The crazy matchmaking mission was successful and even quite entertaining. The night of the Christmas party is over. The longest night of the year is over. My night is over. I gently kiss Pip's hairline and murmur so quietly that only I can hear.

"I couldn't wish for anything more beautiful than this."

That pleases me. Merry Christmas, Bibi.


My eyes immediately shoot back to the tree!

Santa Claus?!

But where I look, there is only Amber's Christmas torch tree in all its fiery glory.

Am I that drunk again? Nah, whatever!

I let myself fall back into the pillows with pleasure and close my eyes, smiling.

The adventure is over and the Brawlidays are coming soon enough.

Until then, Merry Christmas everyone.

You too, Santa Claus.

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