13. Edgar

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"Do you see them anywhere?"

"To the left below us, next to the redhead dancing with the violet-haired one."

"Shelly and Colt?! So, this whole affair with the new brawler isn't true?! Or is this just a disguise to fool everyone?! I really have to – Argh! Sorry Trixie, I'm back at it!"

As a long-time course master, I often jump from roofs or swing from one to the next. Thanks to my scarf I can also cover longer distances. Balance is a priority and so I never get dizzy. Never. Even if I must constantly roll my eyes because of my devil.

So, Shells and the sheriff are dancing there. Of course, I know them, after all I'm a brawler. But I don't give a damn about most people on this planet - sorry! That's my attitude and I won't change it.

In my opinion, it's quite useful - it makes it easier for those who mean something to me to stand out from the crowd.

Once again, I let my gaze wander over the people and promptly spot Bea again. I would recognize her short, orange curly hair anywhere.

"Continue to the left," I command Col's book.

It quickly flutters its little wings, like a hummingbird on a military mission, between the bright, far too pink cones of light towards our dancers.

"Amber? Can you connect me to the bug?" Colette asks, meeting my stern gaze.

"Uh, I mean, just in case something goes terribly wrong. They might get bumped into, suddenly must sneeze, fall into an awkward silence, need a diversionary tactic, or some freak of the universe arises that needs to be prevented, like a brawler fight suddenly breaking out somehow or... What am I talking about? It is completely irresponsible and not morally justifiable to spy on someone. Especially not in this case! Argh! I'm so sorry Edgar, please undo this Amber, I really didn't mean to..."

"Now just shut up."

Rolling my eyes (yes, again) I gently take the wiring out of her ear and turn up the volume on the chip.

Yes damn, even I want to know what's going on down there!

Three devilish angels on questWhere stories live. Discover now