14. Colette

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Being Trixie-Colette has so many advantages.

Firstly, in this form I am a whopping five centimetres taller! Secondly, I can fly, even if I'm not allowed to do so in an official match because I can't do it in a normal state. Third and best of all: you can't tell when I turn into a tomato because my skin is already red.

So, no one notices how insecure and embarrassed I can be when I'm a devil. Except for bats. They can hear my loud heartbeat competing with a jackhammer. And Edgar. He can see through me at any time anyway.

This is also the case now, when he strokes my cheek and snatches my microphone away from me so that he can listen better himself.

"...he did then? He said he would try again today! He wants to tell her! But I haven't seen him yet."

"I hope he does it. Do you understand how these businessmen keep confusing him with Squeak? They don't look alike at all!"

"My speech! I was already thinking about whether I should give a lecture about the differences between dog drool and ice."

"You too?! How come we are so similar?"

"Stop it. I'm not half as cool as you."

I almost forget to fly because of the excitement. Please no awkward silence! Please don't let a higher power cause an inappropriate interruption right now! Please!!!

"Are you crazy, Bea?! Of course, you're cool! Super cool even! Do you know how many things I don't dare tell you because you're so cool?!"

Yes! Yes! YES! It's going in the right direction!

"There are a lot of things I too don't dare say to you because you're so cool."

Sniffling, I concentrate on flying.

If my wings suddenly give way, I fall on top of the two girls, who then suffer serious injuries, must go to the hospital, never have the courage to confess their feelings again, my book panics, drops Edgar, crashes into the Christmas garland, one A power outage causes the world to end...

Breathe Colette! Breathe!!!

Oh yes right! And keep flying!

"Things like you really like cool people?" Max asks shyly.

Please! Please! PLEASE!!!

"Yes," Bea answers with a broad smile.

Three devilish angels on questTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon