chapter 5; no hard feelings

Start from the beginning

The kid yelped, as he faced you, gaining an eye roll from you. "Elijah Princeton, you said? Here."

You began to raise your hands to your breast pocket, the handcuffs limiting your mobility. Immediately, Levi reached for his weapon, ready to slice your arm off if you tried anything.

"Oh for the love of God, relax." You tsked, as you pulled out the name tag and patch from the dead soldier you encountered. You handed it to Joseph, who was almost frozen in shock.

"Y-you-.." he stuttered. You were expecting a thank you, so it surprised you when his expression contorted into one of disgust.

"You monster! You killed him!" He screeched at you, causing anyone who wasn't already paying attention to turn your way.

You stepped back, eyes wide in disbelief, "W-what? No! I-.."

"Is this what you do to all your victims? Strip them of their names as a keepsake?!" Angry tears were pouring from his eyes as he cut you off. He opened up his mouth to continue but you shut him up.

"I buried him!" You yelled back, "It is thanks to me, that your friend will be able to rest in peace! In fact," you whipped around to face the rest of the crowd that had formed. Some turned away in fear, not wanting to make eye contact. "It's because of me that a good number of your comrades are able to rest in peace! But let it be known that this is the last time I do any of you that favor." You seethed "You ungrateful lot of pitiful bastards."

No one spoke in defiance, so you continued with a fervor. Your handcuffs rattled as you let out the built up rage that's been held up in you. "Where do you think I got this uniform from? I didn't kill anyone for this, they were already dead! And the reason I've survived in these wilds for so long is because there seems to be a never ending stream of dead Scout's for me to get supplies from! Erwin does a great job of making that happen." Your dig at the Commander made the glasses freak next to him wince.

Some soldiers began to look down in shame, and some shifted on their feet in unease. "But whenever I come across one, I make sure to give them a proper burial. I've buried soldiers that I'm not even sure were 15 yet! It's sick. And it's the least I could do for them." You turned back to face Joseph.

"Your friend is gone. And it's not because of me. But if you're not grateful for that keepsake, I would be more than happy to take it back."

He gripped the patch in his hands as sorrow overcame him. He only looked down and held the patch closer to him.

"Hmmph. You're welcome." You sighed and turned on your heel back to the wagon. Levi stepped out of the way, watching as you sat down, staring at your feet. Erwin ordered everyone to pack up and move out, as the sun was just above setting below the wall.

You kept quiet for the rest of the journey, but you noticed the glares had stopped coming your way.


The sun was low in the sky now, as orange gave way to deep hues of purple. You turned to your right to glance into the incoming night. Wall Sina grew closer into view with each passing second. You've never been inside a city before. Not with so many people. You've been wandering inside the walls but those were deserted so it wasn't the same. A sense of curiosity washed over you.

"Excited?" Levi mused. He had been watching you from where he sat in the wagon.

You turned to him, keeping your face as neutral as possible, "Am I not allowed to be? I never got to see the city before the Colossal Titan broke through."

Levi shrugged and looked ahead at Sina.

It was to your surprise that Armin piped up this time, "Excuse me, Miss Abertine."

GIVE YOUR HEART, levi ackerman - book 1Where stories live. Discover now