author's note

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hello! a quick introduction before we get into this story.

it's been many years since i've written fanfiction, but i'm currently rewatching attack on titan and have fallen back in love with it.

i've had this oc in my head for quite a while now, and decided to start writing down my ideas for her. this soon developed into a fanfic that's just been sitting in my google drive. i've had fun developing this story as well as my oc, and even have some personal art i've made for it! so i thought what better way to keep me motivated than to share this story with the public :)

a fair warning: this story is slightly more lore-heavy than some fanfics i've read. when i tell you i've done a lot of world building for this character, i mean it lol. my hyper-fixation phases go crazzyyy. i have a brief summary of her history in the next chapter that you can refer back to whenever you get lost.

that being said, i've tried to stay as close to the main storyline as possible, with a few tweaks here and there for fun. (bc what else are fanfics for if not having a little fun heehe). 

overall, this story is mostly for my own enjoyment. i will be adding updates as i write the chapters in my drive. if you find yourself picking up what i'm putting down, i welcome you to stay along for the ride. if this isn't quite your jam, i get it as well! it's all just for some fun.

i have many plans for this story, but i am also a soon-to-be graduating college student, and life gets pretty hectic, so please understand if i run out of steam sometimes.

anyways, that's about it. i will try to be thorough as possible, and keep grammar and spelling errors to a minimum, but i mostly write these chapters late at night when i'm very sleep deprived, sooooo....yay! i hope you enjoy!

GIVE YOUR HEART, levi ackerman - book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat