Chapter 8

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Walter, Michael and Grace were out, searching for Buddy

"BUDDY!" Michael called

"BUDDY WHERE ARE YOU?" Grace called

But then she stopped when she saw something up in the sky

"Grace, what is it?" Michael asked

"Look" Grace said as she points to the sky, they saw something coming down and heading to Central Park

"Dad!" Michael said and he and Grace ran off to see what it was

"Michael? Grace? Kids?" Walter said as he ran after them

A while later, they were in a forest and saw and a smokey engine

"Hey! You found it" Buddy said

"Buddy!" Michael and Grace said, then they ran to him and hugged him

"I need to tell you something" Buddy said to Walter as he lets go of Michael and Grace

"No, no Buddy, there's something I have to tell you right now" Walter said to Buddy "um, I didn't mean anything I said back there, not one word. I know you be a little, um, um... Uh, chemically imbalanced, But you've been right about a lot of things. I... I don't want you to leave. You're my son, and I... love you"

Buddy immediately hugged him, Walter hugged him back and said "what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh right" Buddy said as they let go "come with me"

Buddy took them where Santa's sleigh was and Santa said to Buddy who has the engine "I knew you would find it, Mr. Elf, slap it on real quick we've got to get going"

As Buddy puts the engine back under the sleigh, Walter said to Santa "so uh, you're..."

"Santa Claus" Santa said

"Right" Walter said

"Would you mind taking this to your first boy?" Santa asked Walter as he hands him a toolbox

"Sure, um my first boy is an elf" Walter said

"Actually, I'm adopted" Buddy said as he takes the toolbox

"Michael, Grace, would you two open this hatch for me, please?" Santa asked Michael and Gracewent on the sleigh and opens the hatch "good job kids, thank you"

"So, you're really Santa Claus" Michael said

"You can never tell, kid" Santa said "tell me Michael, what do you want for Christmas?"

"I wanted a skateboard" Michael said

"Oh, not just a skateboard, a real huff board, lookey here, lookey here" Santa said as he opens his book of his list "how you like them apples? Go look and see"

Michael, opens Santa's sack and pulls out the huff board

"Woah" Michael surprised but then the sleigh started floating and it landed

"What happened?" Grace asked

"Michael made my sleigh fly" Santa said

"What do you mean?" Michael asked

"Well before the turbine days, this baby used to run solely on Christmas spirit" Santa said "you believe in me, you made my sleigh fly"

"Hold it, if you're really Santa Claus then we can just get news camera in here and everyone will believe in you and your sleigh fly, right?" Michael thought

"Christmas spirit is about believing nor seeing, the whole world saw me all would be lost" Santa said "the paparazzi had been trying to nail me for years"

Then Grace heard horses, she turns, sees men on horses behind and said as she points at them "hey look"

They looked and Santa said "oh no, the Central Park rangers"

Then they were off to go after them

"Dad, Michael, Grace" Buddy said "I got a plan"

After the plan, Michael took Santa's list and ran off

"Hey wait Michael, my list" Santa tries to stop him "you bring that list back right now, you hear me?"

"Give me your coat" Walter said and took off his jacket

"Mrs. Claus made them for me" Santa said

Walter took Santa's coat and hat to distract the Central Park rangers but that didn't work

Meanwhile Michael went to the news to tell everyone about Santa and shows them the list

A while later, then the sleigh started floating again

"We got power" Santa said

But the Central Park rangers were getting closer and Santa said to Buddy "Buddy, we better get going, get in now"

"Santa, I'm not finished with the engine yet" Buddy said

"Hurry Buddy, they're getting closer" Grace said

"Can't wait, on Dasher, on Dancer" Santa said and the sleigh went off but it started a bit bumpy

Buddy took the toolbox, running to the sleigh, puts the toolbox there and he starts climbing on the sleigh but when it got bumpy, it made Buddy flew into the sleigh

"Buddy, are you okay?" Grace asked

"Yeah, I'm fine" Buddy said

"Santa, why are they chasing us?" Grace asked

"I put them on the naughty list and they never forgave me" Santa said

As they were still being chased after the Central Park rangers, Santa said to Buddy that they need power or they're going to crash, so Buddy started fixing the engine while Grace holds on the sleigh so she doesn't fall off

"I'm getting too old for this job" Santa said

"Now!" Buddy said, Santa pushed the button and the engine was on and they flew up fast

But then the engine was from a fountain

"The engine's gone" Buddy said

"We're toast" Santa said

Grace immediately wrapped her arms around Buddy cause she was scared

But then the spirit Clausometor was getting 90% and Santa said "just a little more"

Then they hear people singing "Santa Claus is coming to town". When Walter finally sang it, the spirit Clausometer was now 100% and the sleigh flew up and up

Buddy and Grace took a look from behind and sees Jovie and Walter, Emily and Michael who is waving at them

"Bye" Buddy waved at them and Grace waves at them too

As the flew around the Empire State Building, the wind came and the light appeared

"What's that?" Buddy asked

"That's the light that'll take me back to the orphanage" Grace explains "so I guess this is goodbye"

Buddy and Grace hugged, then the wind made Grace float and he said "Merry Christmas Grace"

"Merry Christmas Buddy" Grace said, then they let go and Grace flew into the light

She was back in her room and she sees the light disappeared

Then she started to hear the TV from outside of her room, she went out and saw the girls watching the end of "Elf"


What adventure should Grace go next? Post your request in the comments

Grace's Adventure In ElfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora