Volume 8: Redemption Of A Lost Soul, Part 1

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"Ever since that day, the village of Sector Four would never be the same. Each student was directed into their new rooms, and soldiers would clear debris over the next few days. Jack Steely's funeral was visited by many, and his wife was greeted by the Grandmaster with open arms. She would be provided with money by him to sustain herself, and was given space to grieve. Jaiden hasn't been the same ever since. When we got back from the funeral, he just stayed in his room, or went to the forge to work with the new tech. He won't talk to any of us. He had this violent outburst of energy back then. He went toe-to-toe with a former Emeyoru. His power peaked. But I don't know what he could be looking for now. He needs time to heal. But he refused to rest. The Grandmaster wants him to heal, but he hasn't had the time to yet. He demanded that we have rank assignment, so we can be trained to our best shape. Seer and Milo both started planning new strike teams. Now that we're readying for a war. Pyra and Yuki have just been helping everyone get over things. They've tried their best to extend their support. As for me, I've been hunting for my friend. It was last night, when Jaiden snuck out. He left a note on the table, and said that he'd be leaving for the Midknight city early. So that's why I decided to leave. I informed the Grandmaster, and I left. Valle insisted that he follow me, and I eventually caved in and let him."

(Yuki! Pyra! Jonathan! Jaiden! I want all of you to have a rank assignment spar with each other. Yuki frowned, and stared down.

"Sir, may I ask, why is this necessary?"

The Grandmaster looked over to Jaiden, and stared. Seer and Milo both walked in, staring at him as well.

"All of you have displayed some kind of feats that absolutely warrant your rank being raised. But oddly, none of you have requested to have a spar. All but one of you. Jonathan came to me and requested that he have his rank changed by challenging someone, or at the very least having his re-examined for a potential change."

Everyone stared at the floor but Jonathan.

"I only wish to raise my rank to advance forward and grow. My goal is my pride, and growth. I want to prove myself more than anything."

Yuki looked over to the nervous Pyra, who was shaking.

"Grandmaster, I'm not making up any excuses, but me and Pyra have both experienced a very huge amount of stress. Very intimate and close things that our minds still need to process. It's no secret to me, but you're an eternal, sir. Your brain might be processing this far faster than ours can."

Yang sighed, and looked at the now mildly angered Jonathan.

"You knew? Hold on a second, you knew that he was a God? I called it weeks ago, and you just brushed it off?"

Yuki simply stared down, and took a deep breath.

"Well yeah, he's my adoptive father. I'd have to know at some point. Besides, that's not my place to share anything anyway."

Yang slammed his fist into the side of the main dojo's wall.

"That's it! If you all want the truth then so be it! Listen to me carefully. I'll say it once and once only! If that's what it takes to shut all of you up."

Everyone raised their heads up, still kneeling down out of respect. Yang seemed tense, but spoke firmly.

"It was hundreds of years ago, before the kingdoms of today had anything even close to technology in their hands yet. Celestial beings roamed the earth alongside human beings and other species. Some species grew close to the celestials, and some did the opposite. My father, was Yamigawa. The creator of everything, the Kamisama. My name, Kayang, isn't my real name. Rather, I was born with a title. The Raitokami, the Celestial being of light. Father was special, and created me and my brother as shapeshifting eternals, that could change into human and celestial forms. We were raised as his two children, and he cared for us very deeply. My brother, Yinson, is the Kazekami. The Celestial being of darkness and shadow. We ruled together like the sun and the moon, and trained closer than we could ever be. He was always more dedicated to training, and he solemnly believed that father would one day pass his energy down to him. I was more carefree, and relaxed than Yinson. Father grew to see Yinson's methods as unstable, and later decided that neither of us were suited for his power. One day, a great being of my father's creation decided to face him on. The two were so powerful, that they both reached a stalemate, and killed each other. That was the day that I and my father were forever separated. Yinson and I were both unsure of who was going to inherit his power. As it is true that whenever a celestial being dies, it's power is inherited by who they love most, or who they choose. Yinson was dead set on him receiving that power, since he worked so hard. But when neither of us got it, Yinson took it upon himself to round up every celestial and make them give their allegiance to him, or die. To which he would slay anyone to reach that goal. The Kazemasa was born that day. We fought tremendously, and eventually reached an agreement with the Celestial Court, beings that were higher than me and Yinson, to banish Celestials to the crysitual realm. We would live separate, but one day, we both knew that we could call upon that power when needed. Humans with ties still existed, and with that, crysenergy users were born. I thought we were done, as Yinson went off to start his army, collecting the strongest he could find, and I settled down with someone, hoping to have a new life. But I was wrong. Yinson tracked me down, and mortally wounded me in combat. He took the life of who I loved, and my home that I was starting to create. I was able to regenerate the wounds with a spell, but it came with a cost. Whenever I reach my limit in battle, those wounds reappear. I was forever left unable to lead an army again, unless I had help. It would later be prophesied that four pillars would awaken, and rise to stand against evil. Something my fahter would often tell me. I lost everything, but that led me to start a martial arts dojo, and one day make my private organization known to the world. And then I met all of you. Each of you were chosen by a celestial being to fight in this war. This war that I will lead you through."

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