Volume 6: A Harsh Wind

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Yuki, Pyra, and the Grandmaster were all sitting comfortably on the airship.

"So! Where d'ya think we're going?"

Yuki sighed with a light smile.

"For the last time, Pyra. We're going to Gustland."

The Grandmaster cleared his throat.

"Alright you two. Masukyu Hakatori, Masushi Wight. We're on our way to meet with the royal family of Gustland. I wanted to extend out and make an offer. They've been low in resources with the wake of some recent political conflict. We'll have to make a good impression, since they're one of the more wealthy Sectors. The first thing we'll do is make ourselves look nice. And that includes me. Two upper rank members will also be meeting us when we arrive. So be on your most respectful behavior."

Yuki looked up to Yang.

"Are either of them crysenergy users?"

The Grandmaster chuckled, and crossed his arms.

"I figured that you'd ask that. Yes, one of them has recently acquired a crystal, but its power is still unknown to us, so he doesn't use it often. In fact, it puts us at risk when he uses it. Which is what I don't look forward to explaining. The other, he's.. Interesting. A little over the top, but he's alright. He's a spellcaster, and does his job decently."

The airship continued to move over the land, giving a beautiful view of Gustland's scenery. The buildings had bright blue glass in their intricately designed windows, while the bricks themselves were made from marble that gleamed a tan color in the sunlight. No particular building was different from another, with the design and layout being different and unique. There were long black roads that slithered and weaved around the buildings. On them, strange bike-like vehicles that seemed to be powered by air. There were no stairs, simply platforms that would rise due to air currents. Above the city, was a massive island seemingly suspended by wind alone. The two girls stared at the glass, eager to land the ship. Pyra's face was pressed against the window, while Yuki was distanced from it.

"Woah! You've got to see this!"

Yuki sighed.

"Yeah.. I think you're definitely seeing it better than me."

Yang got up, adjusted his belt, and sighed.

"Might I also add that Gustland isn't just well off, but of the most wealthy places in Tezerra? Unfortunately, we aren't here for tourism. But I do ask that we make ourselves look nice."

Pyra and Yuki both nodded their heads in assurance. Once they Landed, They were greeted by two people wearing brown suits. Every citizen seemed to be wearing flashy clothes, mostly tan and darker colors. Either suits, or dresses. And if they weren't either, they had white frills that decorated their outfits. They appeared to be at an airport, where the large airship felt small in comparison to the large marble road that stretched for miles. The people in suits talked to the Grandmaster, giving everyone strange looks. Pyra suddenly felt a weird sense of anxiety come over her as she saw the other citizens.

"They all look so.. Professional.. Are they staring at me? Oh no! I forgot to tuck in my wings. My gi probably looks ridiculous. I should have known this was stupid. Perolians always have such a bad reputation. Especially in higher class Sectors. I have to hide it the best I can."

Pyra felt at the galcier shield on her back, as she thought about Jaiden.

"Why couldn't you get put on the same mission as me. I'd feel a lot better if it was with someone I knew decently."

Yuki looked around, and felt a light sensation of shame come over her when she felt her eyepatch.

"I probably don't look the best, do I. What do they care? I'm from another Sector, so I don't see how anyone would judge any of us. I'm a queen though. How do I even address myself? By royal title or Anzenasho ranking? I should probably try and be more royal.. You've got this Yuki! Just be confident."

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