Volume 4.5: The Prince's Oath

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It was daybreak in the temple, as Jonathan Voltariot didn't have the luxury of either an alarm clock, or Jaiden to wake him up on time. Laying in his bed, he placed his hand on the nightstand and felt around at an already opened envelope. He removed the letter inside of it, reading over it quickly, as he'd seen it before. He walked into the kitchen, where Yuki was boiling a pot of water. Jonathan had no interest in what she was doing, and strangely had a lack of interest in her altogether. Ever since they had returned from Fuyunotori he felt on edge when he was around her. Not because of her combat strength or ability, but her attitude. But what was even stranger to him was that he felt a feeling of guilt that he had never felt before. Even though he argued back, he still felt as if he was taking a beating he deserved. Perhaps the prince was humbled. Jonathan's thoughts were interrupted by sounds of boiling water, as Yuki placed a tea bag into the pot and placed a lid over it, turning down the heat. She stepped out from behind the counter and motioned for him to come over and sit. Jonathan awkwardly smiled and sat down.

"Good morning, Masusan Voltariot. You don't seem to be in that much of a hurry, so perhaps you might be willing to have a cup of tea when it's ready?"

Jonathan looked over and nodded his head.

"Of course, that would be nice. I thank you for your generosity"

Yuki looked taken back by the more formal response she was given. Every time he was around Jaiden he would act careless and blunt. Yet, when she simply asked him if he would like some tea, he would give her a formal response. The two stayed quiet. In both of their minds, they had both just declared a challenge. To see who would crack first. Yuki turned around and began working on getting the glasses ready for the tea. But right as her face was away from the prince she began to sweat.

"I don't know what he's getting at. But he might just get on my nerves. I try to be nice and act like nothing happened, yet you change your tone out of spite! No, I must be wrong. You're overthinking this. Perhaps I should say something"

Jonathan was now slouched in his chair, losing the formal positioning of himself from before. He started pondering his next move.

"I'm not one to know everything about girls like her. It would be bold of me to assume I know even a thing that she's been through, so I wouldn't understand. But why would she change just like that! Surely this wouldn't be her way of mocking me! Or perhaps.. I think I'm blowing this out of proportion"

The two turned around to each other with a sense of desperation in their voices, uttering the same words at once.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot!-"

They both stopped abruptly. Both tried to re-coordinate themselves before letting out a sigh. Jonathan held up his hand, attempting to explain what exactly he meant.

"I'm trying to say that.. I'm sorry. For how I've judged you all, and I understand any feelings of resentment or anger you feel toward me, and though I did say the words I said in confidence, I regret them."

Jonathan placed one of his hands on the table and looked away in an attempt to avoid the embarrassment he had caused himself to feel. Yuki walked over to the table and rested one of her hands onto his.

"No, Jonathan. You don't have to-"

She tried to respond but was interrupted.

"No, Yuki. I have to tell you this. My problems are no excuse for any way I could have been."

He turned his head and looked at her. Both of them with an uneasy shy expression on their faces.

"I really do wish that you weren't there to see me like that."

YamigawaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora