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A sharp horizon of grey stone shined in the light of a distant star. Two figures stood above pools of blood, the crimson liquid forming a maroon floor as if the two were dancing. There was no elegance to their movements, as they were lazy and tired. As one of the two swung their fist against the face of the other, it reeled back, equally taking a toll from the exhaustion. A man with long white hair got back to his feet, assuming a fighting position. above his head was a shining halo, and behind his ears were a set of wings, as well as another set being at his ankles. His face was scarred, and he wore no shirt. Remnants of a white uniform made up a torn pair of shorts at his waist, but that was the only clothing left. He was covered in blood, wiping the fresh droplets from his busted lip, which almost immediately healed. Across from him was a man with black hair, and deep purple eyes. His face was scarred and burned, with grotesque markings across his bare chest, trailing up his neck. He had purple markings on his body that glowed with his heartbeat. The man had barely even the bottom half of his kimono left, leaving the two in terrible shape. The man with black hair scoffed, and assumed a fighting position to match the other man. 

"You've grown.. But let me tell you this, boy. Just because you've gained power doesn't mean you know how to use it." 

He almost immediately felt a sharp pain in the side of his face, as he was punched back, stumbling before barely delivering a cheap shot to the man's jaw, the two both falling to the ground. 

"I swore on my life that I would protect humanity. No matter how weak life is, everyone deserves to live a life to it's fullest!" 

The black haired man stood, kicking the head of the other man down onto the blood stained stone. 

"You think so simple-mindedly. Resources cannot indefinitely exist. You're forgetting the one simple fact that ruins your perspective. People are flawed, yet they hold back those who are stronger. Do we let the superior thrive or do we hold them back because we've labelled it unfair."

The man with the halo and white hair stood confidently, wiping blood from his mouth. 

"As a God.. I cannot stand for the words that come out of your mouth. For once in your eons of living, reflect before you blindly act upon your emotions." 

the black haired man threw another punch, the two of them both falling back again. 

"Watch what you say boy. My mind wasn't right before.. but now I see everything clearly." 

The man with wings on his head narrowed his eyes and smirked. 

"I've seen things even clearer far before you opened your eyes to the truth." 

The end of a story can often leave you feeling like you've lost track of where it began. Let's start from the very beginning, and figure out what exactly got us to this point.


In a small distant village, dispatched from the rest of the world, a child with blonde hair is out playing late at night.

"Jaiden! It's sundown, come inside!" A father calls out to his child.

"Dad, I wanted to play at least a little bit longer!"

The child's pleadings see no response however, and he proceeds inside. Now laying in bed, Jaiden has one last request for his father before he rests.

"Can you tell me a bedtime story?"

"I suppose, but this better not be a ploy to stay awake a while longer." His father mumbles back, resting his hand on his dark black hair.

"Long before time, before we even knew what time was to be called, the Kamisama's descendents were bestowed upon the lands. One, the Raitokami, watched over the sunrise and light that cast upon the earth. The other, the Kazekami, who lurked in the shadows of the world and kept order, and peace. Unifying all that he sought uncivil. Between these deities, the Raitokami and Kazekami were both incredibly powerful, but they each looked up to one who was even more powerful than them. Yamigawa, the Kamisama, their creator and father. Yamigawa lived in an age long ago where he walked the land where celestials made by his hands, roamed free. This world beyond what we could see or process, is the Crysitual realm, where each celestial had their own looks and influence, mythical creatures with great triumphant power. Until one day the realm shattered, and split apart, and war broke out amongst the celestials, Each brother gathering up celestials for their sides, in their fight they lost themselves. Yamigawa had gone away, and his children seemingly disappeared. but in his departure his power scattered, being bestowed upon each individual celestial, giving them great power. This power would one day be crystalized and bestowed upon those who were chosen by fate, or were passed on through the will of those already chosen. These heroes, one day will go on to protect those who they feel need protection. Finally, one day Yamigawa will find the one person who he sees fit to wield his might and strength, and the Kamisama, will return ''. 

The man closes his eyes and shrugs

"Is that what you wanted Jaiden?" His eyes look over to his young boy, curled up in his blankets

"Yeah dad, yeah it was". 

The boy let out a yawn, slightly slurring his words. The man went over to the boy and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight son."

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