18. Worst Kept Secret

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Verena woke The next morning snuggly compressed against sandors body. Still wrapped up in sandors arms, so comfortable she would probably fall back asleep if she lie here too long.

"Good morning Vee," he whispered into her ear. She felt his hands start to move over her body. She realized that he liked taking her in the morning. She liked being consumed by him first thing. It's the best way to start the day.

"Good morning," she replied. Verena gave him a tug and he rolled on top of her and felt him begin to move against her. He kissed her neck. Her hands rubbed his back. 
Every day started like this was just another reason why each day was that much better with sandor. She could feel him inside her now and she began to moan against his collarbone. She kissed and bite him.

The pace quickened and she spiraled out of control. After he finishes, he kissed her again.

"Im going to check on Grace." Sandor remakred. She loved how much he loved grace too.

"I'll be there in just a second. Still basking," verena remarked. He left the room and she closed her eyes and steadied her breath for a few minutes, relaxing in the aftermath of her orgasm.

A smile spread across her lips and against her better judgment, she pictured a life with sandor past this. They both had to know it wasnt just sex. That verena might want more. Sandor surely wanted more. He doted on grace like a daughter. This thing with sandor this relationship has never been meaningless sex. She had never felt like this with anyone. She had to tell him how she felt and what she wanted.

"Still sleeping. Thought we might have woken her." Sandor chuckled out as he climbed back into bed.

"You really, really know me. The future and the old me. All of the mazes and the madness in my mind. You really, really love me. You know me and you love me." Verena remarked holding his face in her hands. "And it's the kind of thing I always hoped I'd find. I Always thought I was hard to love..." She admitted. "Until you made it seem so easy." Sandor smiled down at her his lips capturing hers.

"When this is over we should go south. I mean would you want to go south? With me and gracie start over again? Somewhere easy. No chaos. Somewhere we could-" Verena didnt know what to say. Hownto say it. She knew what she wanted but she didntnknow how to say the words so she was rambling.

"Verena." Sandor stopped her.


"You want to be a family with me?"

"Yes," she confirmed.   Sandor kissed down her chest settling between her legs. She moaned out hips jerking into him.

"Mama mama!" Grace declared awake and ready for the day. Sandor gave a long slow lick up her cunt to clit it sent a shiver through verena. Sandor slowly worked his way back up before laying beside her again. Verena stared breathlessly, teeth chattering back at him her knees weak orgasm just barely robbed.

"Mama mama!" The door pushed open.

"That's you Vee." Sandor whispered. Her mouth moved wordlessly and Sandor smirked, he knew how to make Verena speechless that was clear. She nodded staring back at him a moment longer before gathering her composure and getting grace.

"I think the woof woof dress today! You had a sleep over without me!" She grumbled shaking her head.


"Jon and the queen are riding a dragon." Tyrion remarked. Verena chuckled.

"Its still scary to me." She admitted.

"Our queen likes her. She wont let him fall." Tyrion presumed. "They make a handsome couple."

"They do." Verena agreed. "Now I know that Jon is Targaryen and I dont know about you tyrion but I think-"

"Jon is targaryen?"

"Oops." Verena took a step back.

"Jon is-"

"Hussssssh." Verena put a hand over his mouth. "I told jon that i would keep a secret but here I am blurting out secrets. Please dont tell anyone." She put her hand down and tyrion blinked back at her before opening his mouth to speak again.

"Jon is-"

"Ssstttooopppp!" Verena whined. "Tyrion. I said that secrets spread like wildfire but I didnt mean it to be me! Me that spreads them. Gods im the worst secret keeper ever!" She marched off and tyrion stared back at her baffled.

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