12. Softie

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Delicate / Jaime Lannister out now!

"For you." Gendry remarked. Verena didnt know what to do with a blade. She stared down at it, he carefully put it in her hand. 

"FOr me?" Verena countered. "I think you are mistaken-"

"Verena Stark. Arya's sister." Gendry corrected. "Sandor's.... something." He added. "Sandor said you needed a little blade, just in case."

"These are beautiful Gendry." Verena remarked. "But I feel like it will be wasted on me. I'm just staying with the rest of us useless humans I'm afraid." 

"If you dont take it, Sandor will hurt me." Gendry countered. "I have complete certainty in that." 

"Well then..." Verena sighed. "Thank you Gendry, its really beautiful." 

"How does it feel?" Gendry questioned and she gripped it assuming this was how one used a blade like this. 

"LIke a fine blade." Verena offered. "I'm sorry, I'm sure its perfect but I just dont... know..."  Gendry chuckled. 

"My best work." Gendry assured. "But you know the size axe your friend Sandor wants?" Gendry questioned. "It's hard to make a weapon of that size."

"I bet." Verena agreed. "Well these look perfect. You are a fine smith, Gendry."

"Thank you." Gendry answered. "ANd Lady Verena, if you see Arya... can you let her know I'm looking for her. Want to say hi." Gendry questioned.

"I will send her your way." Verena agreed. "But shes probably lurking in the corners, I rarely see her myself."

'On the off chance we survive the night king when was the last time the seven kingdoms were ruled by a just woman and a righteous man?' Davos looked down below to Dany and Jon, standing close, smiling lovingly at each other.

'They do make a handsome couple' Tyrion agreed. 

'Your sister doesn't like me,' Danny told Jon.

'"Verena adores you." Jon corrected. Daenerys smiled at that. 

"Good but the other one, the one claiming herself queen in the north." Daenerys corrected. 

"Sansa... She doesn't know you. If it makes you feel any better if she didn't like me when we are growing up either.' Jon told her.

'Sansa does not have to be my friend but I am her queen if she cannot respect me...' The Dothraki came riding up pulling her attention away.

'What's the matter?' jon questioned.

"Where is Gracie?" Bran questioned. 

"With sandor, she's got warrior in her blood, shes training, thinks she is going to fight against- oh!" Verena squealed. "Maybe I should see it they can make a little dragonglass sword for Gracie, she would love that!" Verena remarked, kissing Brans cheek before running off but she stopped. Bran chuckled. "I'm such an idiot. My baby and a real sword. Gods where is my head at?"

"Sandor Clegane." Bran pondered. 

"Maybe a little bit." Verena agreed. "But can you imagine little grace with a real sword? She would look so cute and then I would be terrified she was going to stab an eye out." Verena huffed out a breath. "My mama instincts are wavering."

"What are you going to do if we win?" Bran questioned. 

"Well, I had not thought much on it besides maybe going south." verena admitted. 

"South would be nice." Bran agreed. "Can I join you?" 

"Oh Bran I would love that.' Verena agreed. "We can get a little cottage and you can read to Gracie at night, tell her all your adventures, I will make that stew thats your favorite- oh I can see it all now. Can we paint the door purple?" 

"Of course." Bran agreed with a laugh. 

"Or maybe a dark blue?"

"Whatever color you want." Bran agreed. Verena smiled leaning into him. 

"You sure you want to live with your sister on a farm out in the middle of nowhere?" Verena questioned. 

"I think I would enjoy the quiet." Bran agreed. 

"LIfe has been rather hectic." Verena agreed. "For the past... five years." she kissed his temple as Sandor and Grace came marching up. 

"MAMA! Look what uncle Sandor got me!" Grace squealed running to Verena.

"A real..." Verena looked to sandor, he quickly averted his gaze. "You know I was thinking about getting you a real one." Verena admitted. "I'm glad sandor did so I dont feel like a bad mother." 

"You are the best mother. " Grace corrected. "LOOK Watch me stab the dummy!" Grace ran to the training dummy and pierced it happily. She smiled pulling it out with all her might. 

"Sorry.' Sandor whispered. 

"No, I really did- I just told Bran you can ask him-" Verena assured. "-that I wanted to get Grace a blade and she loves it... just... she needs to be supervised, I dont want her-"

"Losing an eye, dont worry, we went over how to be responsible with a blade." Sandor assured. "And I got her a little- why are you smiling like that?" Sandor barked as he held up the little carrying case for the sword to be strapped around Grace's hips, it would cover up the blade and she could see walk around like the little bad ass that she was. "I dont want her to get hurt." Sandor declared. "Whats that smile for?" 

''You big softie."

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