9. Consort

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Breakfast with Queen Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons...

Yeah that was a mouthful and Verena only remembered the mother of dragons part once her men were finished declaring her entrance. 

"Thank you for joining us." Daenerys remarked. 

"Thanks for inviting us." Verena countered hesitantly. 

"I put my puppy dress on special!" Grace declared, "See, woof, woof!" She pointed at the stitching. 

"Very pretty. " Daenerys agreed. "You are so pretty."

"Thank you," Gracie answered as she took a sip of her juice. Verena smiled running a hand over Grace's hair. 

"Your brother was telling me that you liked figurines." Daenerys remarked. Grace nodded. 

"I have a little knight from my daddy. He's in heaven now." Grace answered.  

Sandor was sure Gregor was in hell but sure, let the little girl believe Gregor was not a monster. 

"Well I had a few in my bag from dragonstone." Daenerys passed them over. A dragon figurine, a wolf and a lion. Grace grabbed the wolf holding it close. 

"What do you say to Queen Daenerys?" Verena questioned. 

"Thank you, Ms!" Grace agreed. She made them dance along the table, Daenerys seemed content to watch Grace play. 

"Thank you, your grace."

"I'm Grace!" Grace laughed out. Daenerys smiled back at her. Jon saw her love for Grace. Saw her want and need for a child of her own, saw the pain she still carried after losing her son. 

Jon and Daenerys had a talk back at the capital about a witch that said Daenerys couldnt have children. So possibly seeing Verena with Gracie was her way of getting to have a child in her life again. 

"I should get to work, see if the men need anything." Jon remarked getting up, he kissed Verena's cheek and glanced to Sandor in the doorway. "Help me out Clegane." Jon suggested. "So you and my sister."

"What about it?" Sandor questioned as they walked. 

"She's my sister." 

"And she is my family too." Sandor reminded him. "You went north, she came south." Sandor added. "She married my awful brother and made the best of a bad situation. Now, we are stuck with each other because Vee is my family and you are hers. Do we have a problem?" Sandor demanded. Jon hesitated. 

"I suppose not." Jon admitted. 

"Good. THen I'm going to keep fucking your sister." Sandor agreed before walking off. 

"Are you worried?" Daenerys questioned. 

"About what?" Verena questioned. 

"The upcoming war." Daenerys offered. 

"I try not to be, there is little I can do, besides I have enough to worry about with this one. When the war is done Grace and I are going to find a place and settle down somewhere warmer I think." Verena admitted. 

"You wont stay in winterfell?" Daenerys countered. 

"It's not the same without father." Verena agreed softly. "And rickon... Robb, all of them. I think a fresh start will be nice." 

"A woman on her own in the world, reminds me of me." 

"You are not alone you have two armies well now three I suppose at your side." Verena corrected. 

"What do you think of Cersei?"

"She... she made me marry Gregor as a punishment, to scare me but I made the most of it, fell in love. She has a way of doing things that you can think shes pretending to help but doesnt." Verena offered. 

"Like her lack of army." Daenerys agreed. Verena shrugged. 

"We dont need them, they are not northerner, they dont know how to fight in the snow." Verena offered. 

"Neither are my men." Daenerys reminded her. 

"I suppose." Verena agreed. "But you men seem more capable than golden companies."

"Thank you." Daenerys agreed. "and thank you for joining me." 

"Gladly, I will admit I thought I was in trouble when Jon told me you wanted to meet with us." Verena admitted. 

"In trouble for what?" Daenerys countered. 

"I dont know, thats why I was nervous." Verena agreed. "I can see why jon likes you."

"He likes me?" Daenerys feigned ignorance.

"As if you dont love him too, Jon is wonderful, he is perfect really. I wouldnt have survived my childhood without him." Verena added. "He will treat you right to the very end." 

"I hope so."

"You think you would want him to be your king consort when this is over?" Verena pondered. Daenerys smiled to herself. 

"I really would."

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