19. Bells

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When the bells rang out Daenerys thought of Gracie. Daenerys though of Jon. Thought of all the children down below and she lowered to the ground. She called back her army and they took the castle with dignity.

Tyrion couldnt find Jaime or cersei. He hoped they had gotten away as he moved to the throne room. He watched as daenerys ascended the steps.

"Jon is a Targaryen. But you already knew that." She remarked.

"Yes." Tyrion agreed. "Verena and I had a little talk. Dont blame her she was just nervous for her brother's safety but Jon adores you." Tyrion assured.

"And I him." Daenerys confirmed. "Jon told me you know. I expected my hand to tell me these things as well not the only man alive with a better claim than I." She added. She turned to him before taking a seat. It felt right. "You know what I thought of when I was up there and the bells were ringing?"

"No your grace." Tyrion admitted.

"Verena Stark."


"Yes. She said some thing to me a few moons back about a family being worth more than a crown. She also said that she thought I already knew that. So I thought of all the families... all the millions of lives down here they looked like specks of nothingness." she added. "But I thought of her and her daughter, Grace. I thought of that smile on her face when her mother tossed her in the air. I thought of the baby that I lost. I thought of my husband Drogo. I thought of all these things as I sat among the clouds, the bells ringing out... I had debated burning it all to the ground." she admitted. Tyrion tensed. "But grace and verena came to mind. Then Jon. Then you."


"I want to be a good leader, a good queen, you always told me to check my worst impulses. So that's what I try to do. And now here I sit. The kingdoms are finally mine." Daenerys said proudly. "Fine me Jon Snow. I have a proposition for him."


"Ohhh!" Grace declared looking around. "Oh mama thats the castle!"

"Thats the castle." Verena agreed. Sandor rolled his eyes. "Yes we all know your dislike for the castle honey but there is a new queen remember?"

"No. It slipped my mind." Sandor mused.

"Ohh! Look!" Gracie declared. She sat on sandors shoulders hands drumming on his head when she wasnt pointing out every little thing she thought was new and interesting. Verena smiled grabbing sandors hand a smile curved his lips as he held tight to her.

It was strange being back and not having the lannisters in charge. It was nicer. When verena saw jon she ran to him hugging him tight.

"Bran said you were alright but i needed to see you with my own two eyes!" Verena declared.

"We won Vee." Jon breathed her in. "We won."

"And daenerys?"

"She asked me to rule with her." Jon remarked. "Be her king."

"Oh jon!" Verena cooed. "What did you say?"

"I said yes." Jon agreed.

"Congratulations! Jon congratulations im so happy for you!"

"Thank you Vee. Daenerys wanted to see you when you arrived." Jon remarked.

"Oh? Am i in trouble for telling tyrion anout you being targaryen? Because i swear Jon i didnt mean to! I just blurted it out. Im so sorry. I just-"

"You told tyrion?"

"Ummm why does she want to see me?"

"Tyrion already told me." Jon admitted. "Shes not mad. Im not mad. I figured if anyone would spill it would accidentally be you."

"Sorry." Verena whispered.

"Come on." Jon wrapped an arm around her.

"I want you to be my new master of laws." Daenerys declared. Verena blinked back at her.

"Im flattered." Verena remarked baffled. That wasnt what she was expecting. "But im sorry. I cant."

"What do you mean you cant?" Daenerys countered.

"Sandor, Gracie and I... we were going to find a little farm. Grow some food maybe get some chickens... you know... live a normal life."

"Oh... are you sure you dont want to stay closer?" Daenerys looked hurt. Not angry but hurt like she wanted verena here. really wanted her here.

"Not too far but as you can imagine the capital doesnt hold fond memories for us and... i think a nice easy life would be fun."

"Well then I wish you luck." Daenerys agreed. "And all the happiness."

"Thank you. Jon is the best man. He really is. I know you two will be the best couple. A good and rightful pair of rulers." Verena remarked honestly. "He will treat you right. I hope you treat him right too."

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