4. Bad Liar

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First encounters.

Verena was taken aback seeing sandor in winterfell. He almost smiled when he saw her and her mind drifted like the snowflakes.


"Dont listen to him Vee." Jon assured. "Go back and enjoy the party." 

"Im not hungry." Verena corrected.

"They have apple pie. Your favorite of pies". Jon offered.

"Which is why joffrey called me a fat bitch". Verena agreed calmly.

"I will kill him". Jon demanded. "Verena you are not fat."

"Im not a twig like sansa either. Or mother. They are thin as a rail-"

"And you are beautiful. They have no figure. They could mistaken for teenage prepubescent boys!" Jon declared and verena laughed out. Verena heard a snap from a twig behind them and jumped her smile falling from her lips.

"He didnt mean he was going to kill the prince. In fact those words never came out of his mouth". Verena remarked nervously

"I think about killing the twat more times than i can count... daily. Hourly even". Sandor assured.

"Thats prince joffreys guard". Jon whispered.

"Our secret". Sandor offered

"Thank you ser". Verena agreed.

"Not a ser. Sandor". He corrected. "Sandor Clegane". Verena watched him as he walked off.

"Hes kind of handsome." verena remarked

"Verena just because the twat of a prince didnt want you doesnt mean another great guy wont". Jon remarked.Set your sights higher than a guard".

"What if sandor is a great guy?" Verena countered honestly.

"You are beautiful Ve. Dont you want a handsome knight to sweep you off your feet?" Jon countered.

"Not really. Im not like sansa. I dont care for things like that." Verena reminded him.

"The man that claims your heart is going to be the luckiest man alive." Jon decided. "Go on inside and enjoy the party."

"Im not hungry." Verena repeated.

"Lies. Skip dinner and have a piece of pie."

"Have it with me?" Verena countered.

"Im going to get in trouble." Jon murmured.

"I will take the blame." Verena assured. Jon knew he couldnt get verena back inside without going with her. They stayed in the back table, Jon didnt realize who he was sitting besides until verena got back and offered sandor a small smile. She stabbed into her apple pie as Jon stared back at sandor, he didnt think he trusted this scarred man.

"This was a good idea." verena decided.

Jon wrapped his cloak around Verena as she absentmindedly rubbed a hand over her opposite arm. Verena's arms were always cold, her legs were usually hot, she claimed thick thighs already got extra padding that her arms didnt have.

"Thanks," She whispered.  "Hello again Sandor not ser Clegane." She added. Sandors gaze shifted to her. "Verena. I didnt actually introduce myself." She offered. "And Jon-" she jabbed her thumb towards Jon. Sandor gave a tight nod.

"Why are you all the way back here?" Verena questioned.

"Im not wiping the princes ass tonight." Sandor remarked gruffly.

"I just-"

"You should be up with your family. Lady Stark." Sandor countered. Jon pulled the fork slowly from his lips as he looked between them.

"Oh I prefer this." Verena assured. "You are so chatty." She mused. Sandor blinked back at her before turning back to his ale. Verenas lips twisted as she scooted a bit closer to Jon.

"That was great." Jon whispered

"Shut up." Verena mumbled taking another bite


Verena stared back at Sandor now as he lifted up Grace spinning her around, she laughed out arms out like she was supergirl flying through the air. Sandor caught her gaze and almost smiled.

"You are good with her." Verena remarked.

"She's a sweet kid. Gets it from you." Sandor assured softly.

"She adores you." Verena added.

"Shes not smart enough to fear me." Sandor mused.

"She knows you are going to protect her." Verena corrected.

"Does she?"

"She sees the good in you sandor. So do I." Verena agreed.

"Stop flirting with me." Sandor grumbled. "I dont like you." Sandor mused.

"Gracie was right." Verena corrected. "You like me sandor. You are bad liar." Verena declared. Sandor smiled back at her as she headed off. Verena glanced back at him and he hid his smile. "Bad liar." She repeated.

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