A sly smile stretched across Kolya's face. "Reload!" he barked.

Unable to handle it any longer, Kai stepped out from cover, her eyes leveled maliciously on Kolya.

When he saw her a look a absolute glee flashed in his eyes. "It seems I get two for the price of one," Kolya said.

John glanced over his shoulder and saw Kai. He set his jaw angrily and he swore. They had agreed she would stay hidden and not set herself up as a target for Kolya. The Genii general hated her just as much as he hated John.

Kolya chuckled. "I see your pet still doesn't take orders very well. Kill both of them!" he called to his men

"Don't bother!" Lucius called from the shadows. Then he and the entire town flooded the square. The townspeople were all armed with homemade weapons, but they were determined as they surrounded the Genii, forcing the soldiers back. Despite having more advanced weapons, the Genii were outnumbered five to one and were forced to surrender.

Kolya glanced towards the others in annoyance, but he never took his focus off of Sheppard as three townspeople closed on him.

"If I gave you the opportunity to surrender...?" John started to ask.

"Sheppard," Kai growled his name and took an aggressive step towards Kolya. She wouldn't make the mistake of letting him live again. He had cause them too much pain. He had to die.

Kolya turned to look at Kai and laughed when he saw the rage in her eyes. "Yes, listen to your Mortii Sheppard."

"I assumed as much," John said with a sigh. Shooting Kolya in cold blood in front of the entire town felt a little too much like outright murder. He didn't have a problem killing Kolya, he needed to be dealt with, but he didn't want the town to turn on his team again. "Care to find out?" John called to him, lifting an eyebrow in challenge.

"John, don't you dare," Kai snarled and she took another step forward but Ronon caught her arm to stop her. This was between Sheppard and Kolya.

"Who's better?" Kolya asked, intrigued.

"You've always wondered haven't you?" John pressed. The tightness of rage in his chest lessened at the prospect of finally ending this.

Kolya's chin jerked once in confirmation and his hand hovered near his gun.

John stepped up so he and Kolya were squared off, their hands just above their guns. John could hear Kai behind him but he kept his whole focus on Kolya. "Say when," he muttered half under his breath.

Kolya's brow furrowed as they held hard eye contact. Kolya's muscles tensed and they both reached for their weapons at the same moment. John was faster. He cleared his holster and fired before Kolya even managed to raise his gun. John's bullet hit Kolya in the heart. Kolya staggered sideways and his gun fired harmlessly into the dirt. John snapped his gun back into his holster as Kolya collapsed.

"You're no daisy at all," he said in a low voice.

Kai jerked away from Ronon and stalked towards Kolya's body, but Teyla and Beckett had already reached it. Beckett checked for a pulse before turning back to the group.

"He's dead," he confirmed.


They didn't waste time. With Kolya's death there wasn't any fight left in the Genii squad. The town decided to allow them to leave through the gate and return to their home rather than imprison them. Kai wasn't a fan of giving an enemy a second chance to come after them, but it wasn't up to her and nobody asked her opinion.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 26 ⏰

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