Chapter 23' Wrong Choices'

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And just like that Shivaay found himself looking at Ragini's shocked widened eyes as in his arms Anika

Ragini gritted her teeth: this is the girl you want to choose over me (then she frowned looking at Anika) who are you? if you dare show me your face

Anika held on Shivaay's arms tightly, and he could feel her nails in his skin and her heart pounding fast over his chest


Aisha rushed out and Ragini rushed closer to Anika and Shivaay

Ragini: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? is she more beautiful than me, SHOW ME YOUR FACE I SAID

She stretched her arm to hold Anika's shoulder and turn her but Rima and Roma held her by her arms a second before touching Anika and before Shivaay loses his temper

Ragini squirmed in anger in their hands while Tia stood by the door watching with a gloating smile

Ragini: Leave me

Rima: bhai forgive us, she was with us and we were surprised by her action I never imagined she will act this way (then she pulled Ragini's arm) Kapoor, you are crossing your limits

Shivaay: Take this girl outside before I lose my temper

Ragini: Leave my arm (then she said strictly) Shivaay, you are going to choose me, I am Kapoor of Aristocrat's daughter, I am the most beautiful and the most suitable, and I love you, I have to be your wife (then frowned) you are being ungrateful to Kapoor of the Aristocrat right now

Anika frowned and was to raise her head and turn to Ragini but Shivaay got off the bed and walked angrily to Ragini and held her arm painfully

Shivaay: I will get it from here

Roma and Rima rushed to Anika and sat beside her on the bed

Roma: are you okay?

Tia took a step closer but didn't dare to enter the room seeing Shivaay walking towards her pulling Ragini out of the room

Ragini: aw aw, Shivaay pleases, MA, MA

Without thinking Anika turned looking at Ragini only for her eyes to meet Tia's before the door get Shut


Jhanvi rushed to Rahim who was drinking his coffee in the hospital cafeteria and the moment he saw her, he left his cup and stood frowning

Rahim: Jhanvi, what are you doing here?

Jhanvi left the bouquet of flowers on the table and hugged Rahim a faint hug that he didn't return

Jhanvi: I came to see Anika and Mr. Shivaay, is he Okay? you told me yesterday you found Anika but didn't tell me that he fought Kapoor's sons and they injured him

Rahim frowned: because it's not your business, your right on me is only telling you Anika is okay

Jhanvi: why are you talking to me like that Rahim?

Rahim: you are asking? the way you spoke to Shivaay, how you accused him of hurting Anika, that what made him lose his temper and fight those criminals, how could you even think that Shivaay can hurt Anika? He saved her, He is fighting the woman that raised him for her! He was broken and you broke him more by telling him about Sandy (then he frowned with disgust) why all the Kapoor are so cruel?

Jhanvi: Rahim, I was worried about Anika, she is like my daughter, I have to protect her, you should understand and excuse me

Rahim frowned: then you should understand and excuse what Shivaay will do with you in the choice party as well

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