Chapter 14 " Cinder Ani"

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Shivaay frowned: Forgive you? Forgive you for what Rahim?
Rahim: for what you will see and for not trusting your love for Anika before (then he swallowed) for everything, Shivaay

Then he bowed his head and held Shivaay's wrist and made him walk with him to the car, and Shivaay walked with him with the shock still on his face and the fear thumping in his heart.

He rode the car beside Rahim and Rahim drove behind Anika's taxi, it entered Kamini's neighborhood and tears crowded in Shivaay's eyes, he felt his blood boiling in anger and whispered with a frown..!

Shivaay: Anika was the girl in auntie Kamini's attic, she lied to me, they all lied to me, even you Rahim, you all lied to me, I won't forgive that.

Rahim swallowed: I know it's hard to understand that we might had our excuses, so I beg you before you judge us, wait and calm down, don't rush in taking actions before we reveal the whole truth to you, then we are under your mercy, all of us (then he whispered) including Anika.

Shivaay looked at Rahim confused wondering how Anika will be under his mercy too? But no matter how much he tried he can't satisfy his wonder with all what was his head trying to digest

At the beginning of Kamini's street the taxi stopped and Rahim stopped their car behind it

Shivaay looked from the window with a frown and great attention as the backdoor of the taxi opened, not noticing that Rahim was bowing his head and tears flowing on his cheeks

Rahim: I am so sorry

Shivaay ignored Rahim and kept looking back at the taxi, as the door was still open, and Anika got out in her black coat then took it off and put it in the back seat of the taxi and closed its door.

And Shivaay flinched with the thud of the taxi door closing and exhaled what felt as if it's his last breath and tears flowed from his widened shocked eyes.

It's his Anika, his princess, in dirty ragged dress and worn out shoes, she looked so weak, so fragile, so broken, tears were sparkling on her red cheeks as she taking her slow steps, towards Kamini's house.

Shivaay looked at Rahim shocked and Rahim just looked down

Rahim: I brought for her this black coat, it was the only way to convince her to come with me (then he sighed) she never wanted you to see her like that (then he swallowed) again

Shivaay looked at him with confused teary eyes, but couldn't wait to ask Rahim what he meant and without thinking twice got out of the car and rushed behind her, Rahim followed him quickly and held his arm before Shivaay come closer to Anika and pulled him away enough for Anika not hear them.

Rahim whispered: please Shivaay, please; calm down

Shivaay frowned with teary eyes: leave me, I have to face her and aunt Kamini, I have to understand what is happening?

Rahim frowned with teary eyes: and who will you believe? The girl you love or the woman you call a mother, because for sure there will be two different stories here (then he swallowed) and one of them will pay the price.

Shivaay looked at him for a moment then nodded and both again walked behind Anika hiding between the trees opposite to the house.

Anika took a deep breath then bowed her head as she walked towards Kamini who was standing at the entry of the house, frowning in anger at her

Kamini: where were you, you filthy creature?
Rahim pulled Shivaay who was looking at Kamini with shocked teary frown to hide him behind the tree near Kamini's house

Anika: I was throwing the trash, Ma'am

Kamini: FOR AN HOUR?!!

And she held Anika from her hair and pulled her towards the house, Anika screamed as Kamini pushed her inside and shut the door firmly

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