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Barry woke up early and trained when Caitlin and Ronnie entered with Coffee "here you go Barry I phoned Mia to ask what kind of coffee you like" Caitlin said and Barry smiled "thank you Doctor Snow" Barry said she laughed "Call me Caitlin you know that right" she said "oh I know but I like being different" Barry tells the two "we will be in cortex to find Cicada to end his reign" said Ronnie and Barry nod "thanks again and see you up there" Barry said and the two left. Barry took out his phone and phoned his girlfriend.

Barry: Hello sexy Mia like to say thanks by telling Caitlin my coffee order also I missed your beautiful body in bed last night and sweet ass hope not missing me too much 

Mia: I bet you did miss my sweet ass and I would love nothing more than go to Central City and kiss you but have to stay here anyway how is my sexy boyfriend 

Barry: messing with your ex-boyfriend Wallace is fun or well showing I can be smart too sooner this asshole is done the quicker I get back and have you to myself and love you and have my mouth all over your body.

Mia: Barry behave yourself 

Barry: yes my love now done with my training and had my coffee going to join the team I will talk to you later Mia also I love you 

Mia: love you too and miss you hope you be home soon 

The two hung up and Barry joined the team

Star City

Mia went to join her family in the Arrow cave "Hello Mia" Sara said "Hi Sara talking to Barry" said Mia "how is my best friend doing I am gonna say he messing with your ex-boyfriend" Sara says "Wow you really know him" mia have said. Sara smiled and nodded and Mia went and started shooting some arrows thinking about her boyfriend. "Mia let's train" Sara says and the two begin to practice fighting before Oliver comes to discuss a mission going on for the night. 

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