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Oliver and his team along with Barry and Sara are back in Star City and dealing with Criminals now Laurel joined the team as another black Canary. Barry is in Mia's apartment watching a movie when Mia's phone goes off "it mom I have to go to the family gathering along with Sara and Laurel with their Mr Lance more of a welcome home to Sara" says Mia "That ok Mia you should go"  he gives her a smile "you can come with me be my plus one" said Mia giving him few kisses just then Barry phone went off to see a message from Oliver.

Oliver: I need you to be in the bunker as there should be someone in case Damien Malcolm shows up

Barry: just me or someone else be there

Oliver: just you Diggle spending time with Lyla Roy be here with Thea and we are busy and Sara and Laurel be joining us same as Mia

Barry: I know 

Barry looked at Mia "Your dad must not like me that much anyway I have to be in the bunker in case  Malcolm shows up anyway guess I will go goodbye Mia enjoy family dinner with Lance" he kissed her she kissed back he got up and left and Mia was annoyed with her dad she went and got washed and changed.

Barry went to the bunker and got into his gear to be ready and clean his gun and sharpen his knives and sword then the alert went off and saw it coming from a nightclub he went on his motorbike and drove to the destination of the nightclub. Barry landed outside and he took out his duel knives he silently went in. The lights were flashing so it was easy to go to the bad guy Barry sneaked up and covered the man's mouth and sliced the man's hand so he can drop the gun Barry knocked the man out. 

Queen Loft

Oliver and Felicity were hosting a welcome home after months for Sara and brought the lance over including Sara and Laurel's mother Dinah "Thanks for this Felicity and Oliver but where is Barry he should be here with Mia" said Sara "Oh Dad let him stay in the bunker so keep an eye in case Malcolm shows up I wanted him here as a plus one since aunt Thea aloud bring Uncle Roy" said Mia "Mia I know you love him but sometimes you need to spend time with your family" said Oliver "what about Barry he has no family he alone doing your job anyway let not talk about this in front of guests" said an angry Mia "he too angry Mia what if he turns out like your last one" said Oliver "he not gonna hurt me ok I know dads don't like guys dating their daughter but I finally found a good guy and you don't like him do you" asked Mia Oliver said nothing.

Back with Barry

Barry defeated the bad people in the nightclub he was leaving when he met someone wearing a League of assassin outfit and saw the person shooting an arrow at a building and grapple away but Barry did the same with his crossbow and followed "Don't move" said Barry angry and using a modified voice Barry dropped the crossbow "let fight like the league" Barry said and the two attacks and punch kick and blocked Barry then lift the assassin in the air before slamming him to ground kick the person before taking the mask off to see the face Of Malcolm merlyn Barry headbutt Malcolm out and tied him up and to his equipment away from him so Malcolm couldn't do anything then Barry text the team.

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