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Barry and Sara met up with team arrow at night Barry carrying a crossbow and wearing his suit and Sara in her black Canary suit holding a bo staff "plan Ollie" asked Sara "ok Sara and Thea go on the right in case they try to escape Roy and Diggle with me and Mia you and Barry from rooftop your eyes" said Oliver "ok not much of plan but still get into action" said Barry with a modified voice he then shot a grappling bolt and grabbed Mia and they went on the roof "Black Wolf ready" said Barry then Diggle Oliver  Roy Sara and Thea fighting on the ground and Barry and Mia shooting bolts and arrows from their crossbow and bow Barry sees a man coming from behind Thea Barry takes out his knife and throws it in the man chest Thea looks and nods the team stops the business and Barry takes Mia back on ground Sara grabs the knife and hand it back to Barry he wipes the blood from the blade and puts it back in his pocket for his Knife "Good throw Black wolf" said Thea "we should get out of here" said Sara "hold on your buns" Barry said taking out a small ball "what is that" asked Diggle "count to three" he said and while they counting he throws it and smoke the team and himself away back into arrow bunker.

"you so cool that was an awesome trick" said Mia taking off her mask Barry deactivates his mask and smiles "thanks Barry and Sara for the help" said Oliver "well we be staying from now on so anytime" said Sara "Barry there is a mix tag team cage fighting on Friday would you like to join me please" asked Mia Barry bit his lip and thought "he will be there Mia" Sara said for him Barry glared "it ok if he" she started to say but Barry sigh "I will be there Mia you have my word" he said she smiled "thanks Barry" she said "welcome" he said with a smile "anyway come on Barry Laurel making dinner  she invited you too" Sara told Barry he nodded "let stop at Clocktower so I can get changed into something better than this" said Barry "right see you later team" Sara said "Bye Sara and Barry" says Thea "bye" Barry said "Goodbye Barry and Sara"  Mia says "Bye Mia" Sara says "Bye also nice shooting out there" he told her and she nodded and they left for the night.

I am finally back writing I missed it I was sick for while chapter probably not best sorry try better next time

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