It's Time to React

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Grimmjow looks the same as always, which is kinda gross. Does he never change clothes? God, Ichigo sure hopes he does. The thought of wearing the same clothes for forever makes his skin crawl and nose wrinkle.

They clansmen move without second thought. Swords of foreign origin press to Grimmjow's flesh in three different locations. Sara seems to favor threatening the most important part of a man with little regret while Omor and Mark go for more fatal areas. Every man cringes or sucks in a breath. Rukia grins with silent approval.

"You will do well to step away from his highness, Hell's Prince," Sara growls.

"Or what?" Seethes the Espada.

"You really want to test her?" Mark snorts.

Grimmjow sucks his teeth and retracts his sword from Ichigo's throat. There's a certain annoyance and humor mixed into the otherwise unreadable expression Grimmjow wears. It makes the ginger tilts his head.

"You surely moved up in the world. What's with the crown. I thought you weren't Aizen."

The Espada's comment has Ichigo rolling his eyes. "My mother's idea. Appearances and all that."

"Your ma really is the queen of Hell?"

"Hell's Queen," Ichigo corrects. "And, yes."

"Why does it matter how she's called? It's the same thing."

"No, she's not from Hell. Hell owns her. Just like it owns everything else."

"Yeah? Then why are your sinners not wearing masks to venture outside Hell?" Grimmjow challenges.

"My mother so happens to be a witch," Ichigo shrugs.

Rukia punches him in the shoulder. He yowls at the abuse and glares half-heartedly at his beloved wife.

"Don't call Masaki-sama that. She has the power to grant sinners safe voyage beyond Hell as Hell's Queen," she says matter-of-factly. "Unless it's to the World of the Living. Then we're all required to wear masks out of law."

Grimmjow gives her an I don't care look. Rukia would know all of Hell's Laws very well. Or, the most basic ones at least. It's one of their classes that she takes more seriously than Ichigo does. Well, to be fair, she takes all the classes more seriously than he does.

The clansmen still have their swords on Grimmjow. The Espada gives Ichigo an expecting look. With a sigh, he waves away their defense. They step away and sheath their swords. Grimmjow sheathes his own and gives Loly a look.

"Did you sister get away as well?" He asks her with near kindness. It definitely takes the Shinigami couple off guard.

Loly meets the Espada with a certain eagerness. "Yes, I distracted him while she hid. I know where she is. She'd said she'd wait for me."

"Let's go find her then."

"We're right behind you," Ichigo grins.

"You barely remember me. Why do you care?" Loly glares.

"Yeah, sorry about that. My memory is not the greatest. But I remember everything else now," he offers sheepishly.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! Your sister is Menoly. You helped me defeat Aizen."

She hardly looks convinced, but she doesn't complain when they follow the two Arrancar to find Menoly. The great, stark fortress of Las Noches lay in pieces and shambles. The caved in walls leave behind several perfect hiding places for a small Arrancar girl so it would seem.

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