Here We Go Again

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Everything is perfect. It's all so perfect.

Ichigo lays in his shared bed, hands behind his head as he stares at the ceiling. He is supposed to be getting up right now, but he can't find it in himself to get up right. He's too busy living inside his head.

Don't get him wrong, it's not a bad thing. He's in his head because everything is perfect. His wife is as beautiful and powerful as ever, he has a relationship with his mother, he's found a circle of friends in Hell—everything is perfect.

And yet... something is missing. He can't quite put a finger on it, but there is this certain, well, emptiness in his chest. It's not like having a Hollow hole. Even though he doesn't have one anymore, the Hollow hole never made him feel like this.

The ginger runs a finger down his face, outlining were the marking used to be. Ever since he died, his looks have returned to something human. Of course, his eyes still change colors, but they are no longer permanently yellow.

Sometimes, he finds himself thinking he misses the Hollow look. He typically dismisses the thought, and this time is no different than the others.

He scowls at the ceiling with a new thought. Who knew perfect was so boring?

He trashes the thought with the rest.

A knock comes to his door. Ah, dammit, he knew he wouldn't get away with laying down for so long. Curse the prince title.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He calls to the door, crawling out of bed.

"Sure you are!"

He knows that voice. Good, it means his mother hasn't noticed his absence yet.

"Come in!"

A sinner enters the room. He crosses his arms at Ichigo, eyebrow raised and stance sassy.

"Listen here," Ichigo starts. "I don't want to hear it."

"Well, I did come up here to lecture you before Hell's Queen does, but apparently my look speaks more than words."

"Omor," the ginger whines.

Omor gives a low chuckle while Ichigo goes around his room to get ready for today's training.

When sinners come to Hell, they are killed over and over and over again by the Kushinada. Obviously, there are other creatures in Hell that can do this as well, but the Kushinada have the specific job of punishing sinners. They do this by consuming the sinners' memories each time they are killed. Eventually, sinners forget everything except their first name and their sin.

Once this happens, Hell's Kingdom gives them an offer: join in arms or continue to live in Hell's Deadlands. If they deny the offer, they live as they were. If they accept, they are welcomed into Hell's Kingdom. They will perform in a series of games scheduled once a month, and there, a sponsor will add them to their clan. They can only be welcomed into a clan like them. For example, Quincys pick other Quincys and so on. It's like this because Quincys are more resistant to Hell than the other clans, so it's easier to keep people who remember the Living World together. Shinigami and Arrancar also can come to Hell, but that's a matter for another time.

The Slaughter Clan are well known for their skill with a blade and their blood lust power. And Omor Slaughter just so happens to be Ichigo's closest friend. He reminds Ichigo of a weird mix of Uryū, Renji, and Chad. He's tall and lean, his ethnicity as European as his clothes. His hair is dark, and his face is all cheek bones. He says he doesn't remember where he came from. That's fine because Ichigo thinks he is Romanian. With a name like that, it would make sense.

"Come here, I'll help you with that," Omor states.

He fastens the chain mail tightly to Ichigo's body while Ichigo slips on his gloves. Omor claps the prince's back once he's done. Ichigo glances under his arm to be sure the belts are buckled the way he likes them before offering a nod of approval.

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