It's the Beginning of the End

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Recruiting the two guards securing the war room doors was a little funny. It shouldn't have been, but it was. A lot of surprised stuttering and hurried bows. Finally, after conversing with the two guards, they rushed away to find a new rotation of security and to inform their clans of their new assignment.

Ichigo does like work with a humble group.

Now, Ichigo, Rukia, and Omor wait in the throne room. They've already collected the necessary weapons and changed into the battle attire laid out for them in their respective chambers.

The ginger sets his eyes on his wife. His gorgeous, skillful wife. Her armor is Japanese traditional, keeping true to her heritage. Her breast plate is a slate gray and decorated in her clan's sakura flowers. She wears shin guards, a gauntlet, and a shoulder pad of similar style. She has kami boots and a very light turquoise colored sash around her waist to uphold Sode no Shirayuki. Her sword arm is bare and free from constrictions. Wrapped around her neck is a wedding gift from Byakuya—a scarf of similar color as her sash with sakura petal details at the ends.

Her hair is pulled back in French braids to keep her short hair out of her face. Well, it's supposed to, but the wisps and fly-aways adorn the frame of her face anyway. Honestly, it just makes her look all the more attractive. And bad ass.

Omor and Ichigo both wear armor of the more European nature, Ichigo's being a little bit more decorative. Yet, nonetheless, they essentially wear things similar to Rukia. The only difference is Omor's armor is simple and deep blood red with his clan's symbol presented on the shoulder and Hell's symbol on his chest.

Ichigo's chest plate and gauntlets have skulls and hellfire etched into them, one of his shoulder's holds Hell's symbol, and a crown is settled on the top of his head. He doesn't want to wear it, but his mother insisted. Why? Who fucking knows? It only makes him a larger target if anything. Unless that's the point.

Damn, Mom. Really trying to get me killed... Or make the answers come to me.

Of course, it could be either of those reasons with her. She likes to make a point when she can. Being queen and all, he supposes that's how she should to be.

At last, the two final clansman to their party turn up. They changed armor to something lighter and less flashy. In fact, it's near identical to Omor's armor with the chest plate, gauntlets, shin and thigh guards, boots, and simplicity. The only major difference is the clan symbol and color.

The female from the Perish Clan has pale blue armor, and the male from the Drown Clan has dark gray. Their respective clan symbols don on their places.

"Ichigo?" Masaki calls.

She enters from the doorway behind her massive throne. She releases a sigh of relief, like she thought Ichigo would leave without a goodbye. Rude that she would think that, but at least he doesn't have to go looking for her to "check in."

Wow, that's convenient.

"Mom," he replies, walking over to her. "Don't worry, I didn't leave."

"Yes, I noticed," she snorts.

"I've got all of my team here. We're ready to go whenever."

She gives him a look for ignoring her quip. He usually plays into it, so he can understand the look. Instead of commenting, Masaki merely nods.

"Very well. Glad to see you have your crown."

This time, Ichigo can't help but roll his eyes, and he falls for her attempt at messing with him. "Of course. Wouldn't miss making myself a shiny, golden target for anything."

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