Chapter 18: Resistance

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(Y/N)'s p. o. v. 🌝

When my eyes open again, I see blurry images of a few of the Circus Freaks standing around me. I could barely make out what looked to be the top of a red and white typical circus tent. Where were we again...?

A throbbing pain irritated my upper body and I groan slightly, slowly reaching my hand to the area I felt this pain. "Ah Riddler, you're up!"

The familiar voice of Candy Cane cooed aloud, and my eyes glance over to her curiously. "Cane...? Where are we?"

"Don't tell me you don't remember what happened," Her twin snapped from where he stood beside her. "I never said I forgot...I'm just asking where are we."

"All you need to know is that we're in a tent hidden away from the rest of the carnival," I flinched at the sound of Jason responding, and see that he too was presently gathered with the others. "We brought you here so we could heal you before you probably expired from blood loss."

I very clearly remember I got stabbed and all but it was kinda embarrassing having everyone worry about me and having to take care of me because I was too weak to withstand a stab wound I probably should've saw coming.

As my vision began to clear up, I stared down at my legs and remained quiet, feeling too ashamed to say anything. "We're sorry that drab chessboard ruined your night, Riddler," Laufey sighed, shaking his head, "the last the thing we would've expected was another killer lurking around."

"Don't worry, though, Ell Jay and Jilly's got 'em all taken care of, so he won't be able to hurt ya again," Candy Cane grinned at me pridefully. "Great," I muttered. I didn't want them to assume I was worried or anything—I was just pissed off that I'm the one that got injured and probably in result ruined everyone else's night now that they had to sit back and take care of me.

"What if you guys just dropped me off back at the House of Splendor? Splendor could fix me up while you guys get back to enjoying your night without me getting in the way?" I suggested, uncomfortably rolling my shoulders and slightly wincing.

"...Who said you were in the way?" Laudey tilted his head at me. "Yeah and why would we leave you back there anyway?" Candy Cane scoffed. "We're perfectly capable of taking care of you ourselves." Jason remarked, glaring at me. "It's just that..." I muttered out, but I stopped as the entrance to the tent was suddenly flipped open and in stepped Laughing Jill along with Jack.

"Riddler!!!" Jill shouted, running over to where I was laid on the ground, "my poor little Riddler! How are you holding up? Don't worry luv, me and Jack gave that bitch a taste of his own medicine..."

"That's...good," I responded, awkwardly scratching the back of my head, "thanks..."

Laughing Jack didn't get any further from the entrance and gazed at me with a guilt-ridden expression on his face. I tilted my head a bit in confusion, but before I could ask him what was up, Jason started ordering the others to give me some space so I could properly recover.

"Keep smothering around and pestering the Riddler like this and you're all bound to make things worse. All of you beat it," He demanded. "You heard the big boss, beat it all of you!" Candy Pop added on, attempting to stand his ground, but LJ shook his head and grabbed Candy as the others hesitantly left, "This includes you too, you pest."

Once they were all gone, it was just me and Jason again.

I was kinda too scared of him too say anything.

"Give it up human. You know you can't keep holding on to that form much longer," Jason reached out a hand towards me, seemingly demanding possession of my Riddler chain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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Foolhardy: Laughing Jack X NB!Reader X Candy PopWhere stories live. Discover now