"So these guys we're preparing for are called the Despairs?" Jack began to read the locations in the journal. "Weird, all of these places are inside the enchanted forest."

"Oh sweet, I've always wanted to go to the enchanted forest." Alice comments out loud.

"I hope they have snow, otherwise I won't be able to use my abilities to their maximum potential." Simo informed Jack, and he began to wonder something.

"Oh yeah, Simo, what exactly was that stuff you pulled back in Vita Bergen?" Jack asked his sniper.

"Turns out, I'm pretty good at magic, not as much as you guys, but it works." Simo shrugged. "It works best the colder and snowier the environment I'm in is- Where'd Jojo go? She's not in the room anymore."

"Oh no..."

While everyone in the infirmary collectively panicked upon realizing that there's a honey Badger on the loose, but Jojo was no longer in the infirmary. Meanwhile, not too far away, on a nearby tower, a familiar crow was sitting on the tip of a tower. The crow from the 2nd chapter was watching everything through a nearby window. Weirdly enough, the crow appeared to be talking to an unknown entity that was nowhere to be seen.

"Yes My Lady, everything is going according to plan." The crow appeared to watch Jack, Alice, and Simo look around the infirmary for Jojo. "The Archeologist, the girl, and the mystery person are reading the journal of the Dreamer. If we follow them, then maybe they'll lead us to her creations?"

"Well done my agent, but you just need to get the 'dolls' that Nihilism prepared ready for use." A female's voice spoke into the bird's mind almost like telepathy. "Rage, Violence, Faith, Sacrifice,  Authority, and Solitude would like to run around for a bit."

"As you command, My Dark Mistress." The crow lowered its head in respect of the voice as something snuck up behind the bird, baring its fangs curiously.

"Oh, and who's this dark mistress you speak of?" Jojo snuck up behind the crow, and without so much as a thought, the crow tried to take off into the air for a quick escape, but Jojo grabbed it's wing with so much force that the wing's bones shattered. "Hey now, don't try and run away just yet, it's rude to keep secrets you know."

"That voice, you're-!" The crow fell on its back and Jojo slammed her paw over the crow's beak while pinning the bird down on the tower's rooftop.

"Nope, don't say another word about who I truly am." Jojo growled at the crow. "When the time is right, I shall reveal myself to my master, so tell me, who is your master, Mr.Crow?"

"I shall never reveal the mistress!" The crow shouted before suddenly getting a part of its chest bitten off by Jojo. "GYAAAAAAH!"

"Careful birdie, I don't like liars." Jojo smiled, and she continued to torture the poor bird.

The scenery focused back onto Jack's group, who were still looking around the infirmary for Jojo. Thor, Valerie, and TJ tried helping them, but to no avail, Jojo was nowhere to be found. Jack sat back in his bed with a defeated sigh, but on the bright side, he was confident that Jojo would come back when she completed whatever it was she set off to do. While Jack sat back down, you noticed a Mokupunian man was walking past him. Jack noticed how there were stitches all around his mouth like roots, and moving down from his shoulders were more stitches that lined the back of his arms. Over his eyes was a set of white bandages, yet the man was able to move around and navigate just fine.

"Yikes, you good bro?" Jack asked the Mokupunian man, who simply looked at you.

"Ah, you're Jack?" The man turned his head towards Jack and smiled. "It's me, Kaimu Akamu, or would birdman be more fitting?"

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