Chapter 6

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Seriously though, why is my heart beating so fast? When I look at Hunter, and when he looks back, my face turns red! Automatically.

That's not right, is it? Maybe I'm sick? Or worse, dying?


-Okay, so I have a tiny, small, mini crush on Hunter. But who cares, right? He doesn't even like me back. And why would he even like me?

Maybe I'm just crazy- Plus I'm like his only friend, and I would rather keep it that way. And I don't want to hurt him, and I don't want to hurt myself too.

Because...I am scared to lose him first. Even if I already lost myself before.


"Do you remember that one time when we took that online autism test?" I asked, looking next to him as we tried to listen to our teacher.

School. That's all I'm gonna say.

"Yeah, I can't believe that I'm broken though." He mumbles, and tries to continue writing down his class assignment.

I'm not doing mine cause I'm feeling I don't feel anything.

"Not the word I would use, but just unique." I said, truthfully, while looking at him, ignoring everyone's silent stares at us.

A typical tuesday morning, and I woke up feeling grumpy as usual. Plus feeling burnout. Hate that feeling.

But as usual, Hunter and I arrived in agriculture class but I am too distracted to listen to our teacher though.

"Maybe, but can you believe that autism spectrum can dululu your mind?" He said, and I shrugged myself.


"Eh, still doesn't mean you're crazy though."

"And you're not?" He asked, looking at me with a weak smile.

He knows that I know and we both know that we know. Reference from 90s Friends TV series, by the way ;)

"Ehhh..." I smirk back, knowing he's right about that.

"Just so you know, you're not crazy. You need love." He said, and I lazily nodded, agreeing with him.

"Love sucks though-" I tried to comment, but Hunter gives me a 'really' look. A warning look that I shouldn't be talking bad about myself anymore.

"What about weirdness?" Hunter suggested, and I easily nodded with that statement.


"I like being weird." I reply, still ignoring everyone's gaze on us. As if we're that weird or maybe... we're too loud!

But yet, what's up with them!?

"Now you're just saying that."

"Then why are you whispering?" I start, looking at him until I finally realize.

"Cause-" As Hunter points at the classroom's board in front of me, to see my teacher looking at us, and saying my name.

"Deliah, you have a test due tomorrow. Please focus on your work."

"Yes, Miss Torrez." I quickly reply, and continue writing random scribbles on my notebook.

"Ya see, it's your fault weirdo." Suddenly hearing Hunter whispering again to me, and I gasp at him in shock.

"Oof- me? You won't stop talking to me first." I state to him.

"That's because you're too adorable to be ignored." He confesses, and my eyes widen at his choice of words.

"Deliah-" Seeing the teacher automatically in front of our desks, looking down at us.


"Sorry!" I blushed, and quickly pretended to be mad at Hunter before the bell rang for our next class.


"Why do you hate math so much?"

Again, lunch time. We both usually hangout alone and eat, enjoying each other's company. It's nice though.

"You know why." I said, taking a small bite of my lunch.

School finally serve my favorite lunch menu; spaghetti and bread sticks.

Usually Hunter brings his lunch, he has a certain type of foods he likes.

We both sat next to each other, as everyone else in school hung out by themselves in the cafeteria.

"Not really, you never really explain why." He said, and I shrug, giving him a "I don't want to talk about it" look.

"It's hard..." I answer, ignoring his stare by looking at my school lunch plate.

"That's it?" Again, Hunter doesn't know boundaries, and I don't blame him though.

Mostly due to the autistic side of him.

"Concentration and math is a mess." I reply, still thinking on what stopped me from doing math.

What did stopped me from doing math? Did I hate it because it was hard? Or I just didn't like it?

"Still not much to explain."

"I just don't like math." I said, still ignoring and pretending these types of thoughts aren't in my head.

"Does it remind you of someone?" He ask, and I quietly nodded to him.

"Maybe." I shrug again, as if I'm trying to push Hunter away from me.


I sigh and finally gave up on trying to hide about the math subject.

"...My ex, duh." A sour look splashes on my face, and I quickly ignore those memories of my ex.

"Why do you hate him?" He asked, looking at me worried.

"...he broke my heart. He started it! He said I was annoying and-"

"I'm sorry." Hunter's voice breaking my thoughts and I look at him with a confused look.

"Huh, oh, it's okay though. I have you, and ya know." I laugh softly, and started to relax again.

He blushes, and looks away in embarrassment.

"So Hunter, about the upcoming dance-"

"I am so sorry but I have to go. I'll be right back after school. I promise. See ya." As Hunter kissed my forehead and I blushed at his action.

He got up from his seat with his lunchbox and then looks at his pocket watch, that I brought for him last Christmas.

Aww, he does love me- wait, what? Why am I thinking like that?! Concentrate!

I shake my head, and then look back at him in confusion before he left the cafeteria.

Did he just kiss my freaking forehead!? Wait- doesn't matter. Yet...

Overall, where is he going?

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