Chapter 5

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There was once a time when I used to believe in hope, the only thing that kept me company. Besides that, I also had a friend who always stuck with me. Before Hunter, I had Abagail.

Around the age of 13, I had no friends, and no one to talk to and rely on. Not even my sisters or parents.

Abagail was my first friend before she suddenly disappeared and became a memory. She was my friend during those hard and worst times.

During those times, I was suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts at the age of thirteen and still am but with the help of medications.

Except now, I didn't realize Abagail was my imaginary friend all this time...


Why, why, why, why, why-

"Do I have to?" I asked my mom, who brushed my long brown hair from behind my dress.

"Yes Deliah, it's family time." Mom replies, and I sigh in disbelief.

"I hate family parties though, I feel like I'm not even a kid or adult at the same time," I answer in frustration, looking at myself in the desk mirror.

"So? You got your sisters." Mom smiles at me, and I laugh at that comment that reminded me of them.

"Ptff! That's cause they love me."


"Then what about Hunter? Why don't you invite him to Jasmine's quinceñera party?" She says, helping me feel better.

"Maybe, although he really doesn't like going to parties," I reply, only to remind myself that he's always been quiet and shy, mostly anxious.

"Might never know if you ask," Mom says, and I nod trying to understand her but my thoughts aren't cooperating.

"Fine, but don't blame me if he wears sweatpants at the party." I start, pulling up my phone on the desk, and start dialing his number.

"That's fine. Just go call him." Her voice encouraged me to try.

After a minute of waiting, the number goes to his voicemail.


"He isn't picking up his phone, as usual. Maybe he's busy at the moment?" I question myself, and Mom looks at me with a nod while putting away the brush in the drawer.

"Oh, well then. We better hurry up and get ready to leave." She says, heading out of my room, and I start to whine again.

"I wanna stay home-"



"You okay Deliah?" Amanda asked, looking at me with slight concern, who was sitting across from me.

We were both sitting across a table, enjoying our last meal of the night. They serve roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and tortillas. For drinks, we had Pepsi.

"Yeah, just tired. Was time is it already? 1 am?" I question, giving out a small yawn and my expression looking sleepy.

"Maybe, let me look at my phone to see the time."

I sigh tiredly and look in front of me to see my cousin's quinceñera party. Everyone talking and dancing, and some eating while drinking. Enjoying themselves.

Song - Pollito Pio

"Hi Deliah, how are ya?" Suddenly I heard my cousin, Jasmine, the princess of the party, asking me as she sat next to me in her pink dress.

"I'm okay, been busy with school work," I reply, and honestly, looking at her with a happy expression.

Jasmine was the only younger cousin who was close to me and my sisters. Since my uncle and dad are close brothers.

"Anything new? No new boyfriend?" she asked, and I shook my head with a reply.

"Nah, nothing new but a boyfriend. Never again." I groan slightly to myself, at that sudden thought of Matthew popping in my head.

"Uh-huh. Where's your friend, Hunter?" she says and looks at her with a curious look.

"He's probably busy or asleep, by now it's 1 am so yeah," I answer, thinking about why he hadn't responded to any of my messages of today.

Which was odd, he always replied to messages. No matter what. Except for bedtime though...

"Can I ask you something Deliah?" Jasmine asks, and I smile at her courage.

"Sure, what's up?" I said, and she nervously played with her fingers while looking at me.

"How much do you know about relationships?" She says, looking at me with a worried stare.


"Not much, I feel like I have always been the problem due to my mental health." I start.

Ever since I started dating with my parent's consent, I've been enjoying falling in love that I didn't realize my health was affecting them badly.

"Have you been feeling okay?" She said, and I nodded at her, questioning in my head if she had problems with her own too.

"Yeah, worst case scenario it's either...worst case scenario? I don't know but the worst thing happening." I started and understood if she was in a relationship right now.

I could give her advice, but I'm the worst at it!

"So Deliah, I was also wondering about Hunter..." As she mentions his name, I quickly high alert on what she's about to say.

"Yeah?" Starting to feel overprotective of people or anyone asking me about Hunter.

I get that he's kinda weird and all, but he's my best friend! No matter what! I wouldn't dare to leave him behind!

"...How come you can be the only one who sees him?"

My ears only heard silence for a few seconds after Jasmine said her question. A ringing of emptiness echoes in my ears. And my thoughts wondering what Jasmine's words meant.

"What do you mean?" I ask, strangely enough, I remain calm and curious if she's worried about my health at the moment.

Jasmine looks at me as if waiting for a bad reaction but my aunt, Jasmine's mom, breaks into our conversation.

"Oh! Jasmine! There you are! Come, and take more pictures with your family members."

Every sound from the party, the people, the music, and the party, comes back to my senses.

"Okay. Never mind Deliah, forget what I said. I hope you'll be okay after this." Before Jasmine left, I was oblivious as always to what she meant earlier.

"Huh?" I asked myself, thinking about why she would just mention Hunter like that.

Was she warning me about Hunter? Oh my god if Hunter did something bad to himself-

Yeah, last time Hunter thought of hurting himself but luckily his younger brother was there with him a that time when he noticed Hunter's behavior acting weird.

Even though we haven't met at that time, I'm sure glad he didn't do it.

Because the worst-case scenario that could happen in my life is a life without my friend Hunter...

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