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At last, the day had come. The curtains were about to rise on the sports festival, and it looked to be a long day. The entire student body, all wearing their jerseys, marched together as one. Well, we called it a march, but most people just strolled along, taking the movement just seriously enough not to disrupt the order.

Fujimaki, from the third-year Class A, gave a speech during the opening ceremony. By the way, on the outskirts of the school grounds, there weren't many but I could see the figures of spectators scattered here and there. They are probably adults who work on-campus.

Furthermore, a cottage that could fit roughly 20 people was built and installed inside was a cooler, a water dispenser and the such.

Just like the uninhabited island, the preparations were flawless. By the way, the competing Red Team and White Team were provided with tents installed on opposite sides of the track as though sandwiching it between them. The school didn't want the teams mingling with each other, except during competitions.

For the 100 meter dash that'll be coming up first, a camera was pointed towards a point that appears

For the 100 meter dash that'll be coming up first, a camera was pointed towards a point that appears to be the goal. The line between victory and defeat could come down to a hair's breadth in competitions like these.

Horikita: Y/n. What group are you in for the
100-meter dash, again?

Y/n: Four...?

Horikita: Can't you be more serious?

Y/n: Seventh okay?

Kiyo is a four huh? How ironic.

She crossed her arms and looked at me.

Horikita: Nevertheless. I'll be cheering you, Y/n. Good luck out there, okay? You better don't disappoint me.

She emphasized the last words then walked away

What kind of encouragement is that? If i remembered from a book i've read that this is not how you encourage someone. More important that she is my girlfriend then where is my kiss?

Y/n: What a cold girl...

Right the moment i said that Suzune suddenly turned back and gave me a glare which gave a me a chill down my spine.

How did she know? Let just leave that to a side must focus on my race.

With that love and encouragementvl from my girlfriend, I headed to the track with the rest of the first-year boys. The festival ordered events such as the 100-meter dash by grade level, starting with the first-year boys and ending with the third-year girls.

Since the actual day of the event began, it became clear who would be running in which order from the other classes. From each class, the selected two making up a total of eight people lined up as one.
The first-year boys formed ten groups in total. My turn, as I had told Horikita earlier, was seventh.

Sudou was in the first group. All the students of Class D watched while holding our breath. The outcome of the sports festival will depend greatly on Sudou.

As soon as the signal sounded, Sudou shot forward like a bullet. He quickly outran all the other boys, leaving them in the dust. He reached the goal with such an overwhelming lead that no one else came anywhere close. He won by a landslide.

While everyone watched, Sudou took first place, as anticipated. At the same time, the Professor who had been selected too, properly managed to secure last place as expectedas well. However...

The signal to start the next race came right away, without any time to bask in the afterglow. The signals came at twenty second intervals.
Approximately four minutes would be required for all the first year boys to finish running. Since this will be repeated by boys and girls for all the school years, the 100-meter dash would be completed in about thirty minutes according to calculations.

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