32-Dragon Boy

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I sat outside by myself. It was cold, and my only source of entertainment was watching my breath fly up into the air. I was still frustrated. It felt like sitting outside in the cold was the only way to make myself cool off.

Y/n: My date with Ice-cream chan was ruined. Haizz, i'm so sorry Ice-cream chan, i'll make up for you someday.

Y/n: I think i should put an end to this, i think i had enough.

I took out my phone and scrolled down to one specific contact. Kei Karuizawa, who was now at the forefront of Class C's targeting. I texted her a simple message.

"Can i call you?"

The message was marked as read almost immediately after I sent it. After a moment, she called.

Karuizawa: Hello?

Y/n: Hey. I was just wondering what you're up to.

Karuizawa: You're kidding, right? You wouldn't ask me to call without a reason.

Y/n: You seriously think me like that?

Karuizawa: Yep. So what do you want from me?

Y/n: I guess you're right. Did Manabe and the others do anything to you?

Karuizawa: No, that isn't a problem right now.

Y/n: Good. It's been a while since then, but they still haven't done anything.

Karuizawa: Are you outside?

Y/n: I am... I was on my way back from school now. I got caught up with some stuff.

Karuizawa: Oh. Hey, there's something I wanted to check with you. We're already talking, so I guess I should ask now.

Y/n: Speak.

Karuizawa: Why don't you just tell everybody that you're smart and all? Class D is full of idiots, so if you came forward like Yosuke-kun, you could make orders and stuff.

Y/n: What makes you think I'm smart?

Karuizawa: We're not doing this right now...

Of course, Karuizawa has seen a lot of the behind-the-scenes planning that has gone on, so she would know about how I functioned.

Karuizawa: If you would've just stood out from the start, like you did at the sports festival, you would ve gotten the whole class's attention. No, even the entire school.

She sounded excited as she imagined what that would be like.

Y/n: The simple answer is i don't want to.

Karuizawa: Then why even get involved in the first place? From the start, you could've just done nothing.

Y/n: Something came up that's all.

Karuizawa: I feel like it's somehow a waste, though.

Y/n: Is not like i care though.

Karuizawa: The one Ryuen has blood out for is you, right?

Y/n: I guess there's no point hiding it from you.
You knew from the start, didn't you?

Karuizawa: It was obvious...

Y/n: Then while we're on this topic, I think I should tell you why I wanted to talk to you in the first place. I wanted to apologize to you, Karuizawa.

Karuizawa: Apologize?

Y/n: I had a reason for reaching Class A before, but now it's gone.

Karuizawa: So you're going to lay low from now on?

Classroom Of The Elite X Male Reader (Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora