37-What could it be?

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A/N: Listen to Agora hills by Doja Cat while reading this

Andreia's pov

With the strength I had, I dragged him to a sitting position and used two pillows to sustain his back, his body was hot but his temperature was surprisingly not high, could it be from the alcohol?

I pulled his shirt over his head and took it off him, I picked a shawl from the drawer and dipped it into a bowl of cold water and used it against his soft skin.

I got distracted as I admired his beautiful face, how can a man be this beautiful?

In stories I read, i always thought the writers exaggerated when they described a male character as a Greek god but I'm staring at one at the moment.

I shook my head of the distraction and finished up my work, I lay down beside him and wrapped my hands  around him in a way that any movement from him would wake me up.


I felt some movement on my arm, and I opened my eyes quickly, Miguel sat up and groaned as he held his head in his hands, I took some pain relievers from the small table and a cup of water and handed it over to him.

"I am fine, thanks" he said without collecting it as he walked to the bathroom. I walked to the other bathroom downstairs and had my shower, I came out in less than ten minutes and made breakfast for Miguel before he came down. As soon as I set the table I heard footsteps approaching. This was my aim, I wanted to be awake when Miguel was leaving for work, I wanted to know why he has been avoiding me lately.

"Hey babe, I prepared something delicious for you" I said approaching him.

"I am sorry, I'm not hungry" he said apologetically and aimed for the door, I blocked his way and sent a beautiful smile.

"Just have a taste trust me you won't regret it" I said

"I'm running out of time" he said and tried leaving again, I have to try harder.

"Okay then, can I get a kiss?" I asked pouting hoping he'd say 'yes'.

 "Can that be later?" he said and I cut him off with a kiss, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed my lips with his.

I kissed him passionately, he didn't respond but I could feel the effect it had on him. He stood dumbstruck for some seconds until I broke the kiss.

"Bye then" I said walking back to the table as I sat to eat. I heard him leave as I smiled triumphantly to myself.

" What the hell was that?" Angela said with a mischievous grin coming out from behind a curtain.

"Nothing" I replied looking away, 'was she here the whole time?'. Ediane also came out from the curtain with a smug smile.

"You two were eavesdropping the whole time" I said with a shocked expression as they both laughed. They joined me as we ate the pancakes I made.

"He really had to miss this, anyways thanks to him" Angela said as she munched on the pancake.


We have been watching movies since morning, there was not much to do so Angela made popcorns as we sat to watch 'Cafe Minamdang'. The name sounds weird but it is really interesting trust me. Don't judge me, I'm in love with k-dramas.

"Take this" Ediane said as she handed me a bowl of fruits.

'Why are you treating her like she's sick or pregnant?" she said eyeing Ediane, these two were always picking on themselves but it is a great thing when they have the same idea.

"Because I am" I said, she rolled her eyes at me as if I just cracked some stupid joke.

"Do you actually expect me to believe that?" she asked eating a handful of popcorn ,

"Rosangela" I called her full name letting her know I'm serious "I'm pregnant" I said in a neutral tone, 

I dropped the matter and decided to put my attention back on the Tv when she looked like she was not ready to listen.

"What is the time?" I asked after a while,

"It is 9:00" Angela replied staring at the screen on her,

"I need to prepare something for Miguel" I told her when I saw her confused expression.

After pondering on what to prepare, I decided to go with 'Cachupa' a Cape verdian recipe. After preparing it I placed fried eggs and hotdogs on top of the two plates.

I thought I would have to wait for Miguel but I was wrong, he was standing at the entrance  just staring into space, more like staring at me let me put it this way I was the space he was staring at.

"Heyo, You're home" I said walking towards him with one of my best smiles.

"Hmm" he hummed, I took his suitcase from him and pecked him on the lips. I held his arm and dragged him to the table,

"You're not running out of time anymore" I said and sat him down on the dinning chair, he sat down without uttering a word and began to eat,

"Oops, I forgot something" I said remembering the strawberry  juice in the refrigerator, I brought it out and two glasses and served him in his cup.

It was silent, everywhere was silent and that was not what I wanted, I wanted to talk to him, I wanted him to talk to me, tell me about his day but he was not ready to do that and I'm not ready to give up.

"I am sorry" I apologized as I noisily dropped my fork, he lifted his head from his food and nodded his head.

"Is that all you are going to say?" I asked in a sad tone.

Since the day I said 'yes' to Miguel he has never been mad at me, I knew I vexed him but I didn't know he was this infuriated, could it be something else?

 No it can't be.

He's not aware i'm carrying his child, So what exactly is his problem?

"I'm not mad at you" he said as he stood up and made his way upstairs

Something is definitely wrong.


Halo, I'm sorry for not updating for a long time, was in school.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter💜💙

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