17 Possessive girlfriend_pillow fight

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"Miguel you have such a possessive girlfriend" Alcione said grinning at Andreia, Andrea stared at her blankly as if she didn't hear anything she just said.

I guess she was not used to all of this

I felt very guilty when she cried on me minutes ago

That was the first time I saw her cry, I always knew her a strong woman, she didn't cry when I kidnapped her, she didn't cry when I chocked her which I still regret, she didn't when those guys beat her up.

I really went far this time around, I heard a soft snores under me indicating she was sleeping,

She had been sitting on my lap since what happened this morning without saying a word and the silence was really killing me. I put my hands at the back of her knee and carried her in a bridal style towards my room, I dropped her carefully on the bed and pecked her forehead.

I entered the shower letting the cold water run down my body, the way she stared at me as if she could not believe what she was seeing, as if she wanted all of it to end, as if she wanted to wake up from the nightmare was still playing on my mind.

I cursed under my breath in anger as the attempt to clear her crying face from my mind was failing, I wore some casual clothes and walked out of the room.

"Jesus I wish you were there to see the way to stared at me as if she wanted to kill me" Alcione said "Such a possessive girlfriend" Amanda giggled

"she loves him a lot I guess" Rodrigo said typing on his phone

"Of course he does" I said walking down the stair case "Trust me when I say I will never try something like that again" I said in a serious tone

"I'm with you" Amanda said

"We can try a different prank" Rodrigo suggested

"No"I groaned

"Please I promise, it will be nothing like this" I pleaded

"I totally agree with you" Alcione said

"I said NO" I said again staring daggers at him

" Ok then we're going to do it without you" Alcione said going to her room

"Let's go prepare something for her to eat" Sophie that has been quite the whole time said

"Don't worry about it Rosangela" I called

"Yes sir" she replied hurried over to me

"Prepare something for us to eat" I said in my usual authorative tone

"Yes sir" she bowed her head a little

"She's such a beauty, I will help you" Sophie grinned following her out of the living room

I could not go to work because of my crazy siblings so I had to work from home.
I needed to know why Romano wanted her so badly there must be a reason, she didn't have any secret past about her I checked over and over again but there was nothing suspicious about her maybe I should ask her later when she wakes up.

Andreia's pov
"Wake up sleeping beauty" someone yelled startling me

"Go away" I slurred silently, the blanket on me was Yankee of and I felt water being purred on me as my eyes shot open

"What the hell do you think you're doing" I yelled at the four pair of eyes staring at me,

Alcione dropped the cup of water and faked a sad smile while Amanda and Sophie were doing cute face, Rodrigo was walking all around the room and touching different things as if the room belonged to him

"Oh my Gosh this bed looks so soft" he said jumping on the bed

"Get your stupid ass out of this bed right now" I ordered

"But why? the bed belongs to my big brother" he shrugged with a smile

"And the bed belongs to my boyfriend" I retorted

"We're not here for this, we came here to have fun" Alcione announced

"Well now that you have stated the reason you came here, I'm glad to tell you that I'm not interested" I said going back to sleep

"Come on, don't be a killjoy you have been sleeping all day" she gave a small whine removing the blanket from my body, I put it back up and something soft hits my face before I could react it hit my face again.

My eyes open in excitement when I realize what was going on, I picked the pillow under me and hit rodrigo who was aiming at Sophie, he smiled back at me when he noticed I joined the pillow fight.

I was about hitting the pillow when I felt someone hit me at the back of my head

"I'm coming for you Rodrigo" I yelled at him

He ran towards the bathroom hiding behind the door thinking no one saw him,

"Got you" I said hitting him with the pillow, I ran out of the bathroom when he attempted to hit me again,

Amanda used a pillow to hit me right in the face immediately I came out of the bathroom, I stumbled back a bit and took long strides towards her for my revenge.

I was more concentrated on her than anyone else,

It felt so good, I was happy with all of these, I never knew his siblings coming here would bring me joy even if they made a disaster this morning.

I laughed hard as Sophie fell on her but while trying to hit Alcione, I clutch my stomach hard trying to suppress my laughter.

"I'm coming for you" she said as she stood up and glared at me with a wicked smile playing on her lips,

I ran over to the door since I didn't have any pillow with me, immediately I opened the door, the pillow she was aiming at me landed on Miguel's face.

I hurried over to him hiding behind him, I grabbed his shirt using him as a shield against Sophie "Miguel" I chuckled breathlessly, he turned to look at me with a bright smile on his face and turned back to look at the room as his gaze darkened,

I looked past him to get a glimpse of the room and it was a complete mess, the small smile on my face vanished ,

"Before I come back I want this room to be clean" he warned taking me away

"What? what about Andreia" Rodrigo yelled as I stuck my tongue out to them,


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