13 My man

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It has been one three days since Miguel and I had been dating, we acted like normal couples, did things the way couple did, but we had not gone out on a proper date, he told me we would and I cant wait for that day to come,

I prepared myself since I was going with Miguel to work today, he filled the other side of his walk in closet with a lot of new clothes for me which I was not used to till now but I cant go to his company with my rags like he mentioned last time.

I decided to go with a black gown that had white polka dots all over, it flared from my waist down to my thigh were it stopped with a pair of black sandals, I was not into sandals and gowns, I was more of a sweatpants and snickers person but I just had to.

I let my hair in a loose in a wavy curl and went out to look for Miguel, I could not find him, I searched again in the room and there he was typing away on his phone,

"Hey, I've been looking for you" I said getting his attention

"Sorry, I was just going through some stuffs" he said, he looked me up and down and smiled "You look amazing" he complemented

"Because I wore girlish stuffs?" I quirked up my eyebrows "Thanks" I said rolling my eyes as he smiled at me

The drive to the company was not so long, or maybe it was but it didnt feel like it because we kept talking about different things to get busy.

He stopped in front of his company and opened the door for me,

"Such a gentle man" I said taking his hands, we were about to get into the elevator when a lady called out to Miguel,

"Sir" she called out as we both looked in her direction, he raised his eyebrows in a what do you want?' way

"I just wanted to tell you I would come by to drop the files you asked for" she said ogling at him, he nodded his head and we entered

"Did she really have to stop you for this?" I murmured

"Don't worry, shes not a threat"

"But she can be, did you see how was drooling over you?" I retorted

"I receive that a lot of times, it's because of my irresistible look" he said in cocky tone, he looked super hot but did he have to know that,

The ding of the elevator stopped me from getting back at him and I groaned silently

"This is not over" I pointed at him

"Oh yes it is" he cocked


"Miguel" I called out, I have been sitting here for the past three hours as he typed away on his laptop, I was actually bored and I swear I could not do this anymore, even though I knew that staring him for a long time is not tiring but I desperately needed a job.

I knew that getting a job depends on him and he gave me an option, and now Im ready to work even if its to work with him.

A part of me wanted to sit here and watch him all day but the other part of me which was bored wanted to explore and know new things,

"Miguel" I called out again and he didnt respond, maybe he forgot I was around

"Honey" I called and his shot up instantly, he stared at me for a while processing the fact that I called him honey, I didn't feel somehow or maybe weird I dont know why, "Now that I have gotten your attention I want to talk to you and please don't say no"I pouted

"It depends, go ahead"

"I want a job, even if it means working with you" I said in a rush and waited nervously for his response

"Even if it means working with me, I see" he said thinking deeply about my proposal "So what do you want to do?" he asked and I was happy he considered my offer

"I want to work in one of your restaurants, you know I'm a good cook"

"No" he growled loudly startling me, he took steps towards me and I shivered a little, his pupils changed instantly showing a bit of black in them,

"What's wro-ng?" I stuttered

"You want me to let you work in a restaurant where all these rich brats would check you out, never" he said stressing the 'Never'

"Hey, listen I'm going to be fine, nothing is going to happen to me" I assured him placing my handson the both side of his cheeks,

"No" he said not convinced

"Please, I can't just stay here and do nothing all day"I said trying to cover the cracking in my voice, even if I wanted to cry I could not, I forgot how to cry one year after my parents death

"That's my final answer" he removed my hands in attempt to work away, but I held his wrist as he turned to face me,

"Please, I promise I wont do anything stupid" I tried for the last time and he sighed

"Fine but if you do anything stupid you are out and forget everything about job" I jumped hugging him tight, I pecked all over his face smiling widely at him, he kissed my lips and intertwined my hands with his,

"We are going to eat something"

We walked hands in hands and I felt happy with this feelings, the feelings of his hands intertwined protectively with mine, I looked down at our hands and smiled

"What are you smiling at?" he asked looking around for anything funny as I chuckled

"It's nothing, I just like the feeling of your hand with mine"

We made our orders and waited a little, the waitress came by and served our meals, I fumed in anger as she kept staring at Miguel from time to time,

"Do you need anything sir?" she asked in a seductive way tucking some strands of hair behind her ear,

"Actually I think I do" I said getting her attention

"Yes maam?"

"I need you to stop staring at my man or else I will plug your eyeballs and feed them you" I threatened with a sinister smile as she shuddered away in fear,

"Your man? It feels good coming out of your mouth" he smirked and I rolled my eyes at him,


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