'He will definitely be worried about this situation. I don't want him to be troubled by these things. '

Sakaguchi Ango couldn't help but murmur in his heart. He didn't expect Dazai to understand someone so well, and he never realized that he would be such a considerate person.

Even though he is already trapped in the Special Agents Department, he still has a lot to worry about.

...So who is the father? It's completely a relationship between each other's old father, right?

Although Sakaguchi Ango was complaining furiously in his heart, it did not delay him from explaining the current situation to Hiiraeiji.

"...Let's start with Dazai's question. His return date is difficult to predict, and everything is related to the completion of his current work." Sakaguchi Ango replied carefully, "Oda Tsukuru has no problem, he will be better than Dazai appeared in front of people much earlier, but...he probably won't stay in the Special Agents Department in the future." Speaking of this, Sakaguchi Ango's expression was a little complicated.

"Can you imagine?! This man who has been a killer, his future dream is to be a novelist! The most outrageous thing is that his writing is actually pretty good?! This guy is really a literary genius who was delayed by the Mafia... I never imagined that he would support his family by writing novels in the future."

Hiiraeiji: "..."

Hiiraeiji: "...After he publishes it, be sure to give me a copy of his work."

Sakaguchi Ango was silent for a long time. Then he continued: "The news from the black organization... I'm sorry, I don't have access rights, but I haven't received any news so far. At this time, I think no news is the best news. As for the Port Mafia ——"

At this point, Sakaguchi Ango fell silent again.

He had seen how much Nakahara Chuuya cared about Hiiragi Eiji. The nonsensical but thoughtful script and rehearsals all proved that Nakahara Chuuya cared about the people around him, so - "

...it doesn't matter, Mr. Sakaguchi." Hiiragi Eiji said in a low voice, "I can accept any news."

Sakaguchi Ango could only grit his teeth and said: "...Currently, the port mafia is in some trouble because of the black organization. But the current situation is that the port The mafia has the upper hand, but only in the short term... Mr. Mori probably doesn't have any experience to plan anything else."

This is a euphemistic expression of Mori Ogai's current extremely busy situation.

"...Then, where is Chuuya?"

"He is a frontline combatant." Sakaguchi Ango said briefly, "I heard that he is about to be promoted to a cadre."

Hiiragi Eiji reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth, "Really? "Finally, he raised his head and leaned on the back of the passenger seat.

...still not in time. Mingming had planned everything long ago, and after breaking away from the black organization and completing everything, he went to Chuuya to confess. But he still didn't last that long.

"Thank you, Mr. Sakaguchi." Hiiragi Eiji thanked him seriously, "... Dazai, I'll leave it to you." "

... No, don't you think something is strange? Why are you saying this like this? He's like Tuogu! Let me tell you first, I can't take care of him like you do!" Sakaguchi Ango felt his scalp go numb.

Holy Father Tool ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora